Call for Book Chapters: “Fintech in BRICS: Law & Policy”

Fintech is a very lucrative market and has been expanding globally exponentially.  BRICS Nations have been some of the fastest-growing economies in the World and have taken leadership in the exploitation of Blockchain in Financial transactions. As per a recent meeting hosted in India of BRICS finance and central bank deputies, it has been agreed to develop a cooperative infrastructure for BRICS countries. This meet has catalyzed the development of legal infrastructure in BRICS nations which have already shown tremendous innovation in disruptive technologies in payment and settlement systems. With such rapid development of innovation in payment and settlement, fundraising alternatives and technology integration in the financing, new challenges are bound to arise, particularly for regulators. This book aims to give critical insights into legal and regulatory issues across banking, payments, and fundraising. This book will be a selection of chapters by diverse academics and experts from BRICS states who are carrying out research in the field of legal regulation of FinTech. 

The topics for book chapters could be related, though not limited, to the following themes:

1.    Blockchain regulation in BRICS;
2.    Digital lending;
3.    Digital payments;
4.    Robo-advising;
5.    Initial Coin Offerings;
6.    Investment & Capital Markets Tech;
7.    eCommerce & Marketing Tech;
8.    Financial Security Technology;
9.    Regulatory Sandboxes;
10.  Cryptocurrency;
11.  Data Protection & Blockchain;
12.  Prevention of Money-laundering in Digital Transactions;
13.  Any other Allied area.

All chapters will be peer-reviewed on a double-blind basis, as well as receive a plagiarism check to verify the originality of written work using Turnitin Software.

Abstract Submission: Please submit an abstract no longer than 500 words to the editor by the 15th of September 2021. The abstract should be typed in Times New Roman font in 12-point size, 1.5 line spacing with justified alignment and five keywords. Contributors can expect to receive a response from the editor by the 30th of September 2021.
Final Chapter Submission: Final chapter drafts are due on the 30th of October 2021. The proposal should also include a short biographical note. Complete chapter lengths should be between 6000-8000 words.  
Formatting Style: Harvard Bluebook
Editor contact information: Amit Kumar Kashyap ([email protected])

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