Call for abstracts: Disclosure of climate change strategies in the sustainability reports of tourism and leisure companies worldwide: Submit latest by 30th September,2021

Overview of special issue :

Tourism and leisure businesses create a large carbon footprint (Lenzen et al., 2018; Scott et al, 2019). The operation of tourism businesses requires large amounts of fossil fuels. This generates carbon dioxide emissions, which are one of the main causes of climate change. Lenzen et al. (2018) find that tourism is responsible for about eight per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Annual reports from tourism and leisure businesses show that they are increasingly aware of their environmental responsibilities and are trying to mitigate potentially negative impacts on the environment, by using less or clean energy, water and materials as well as environmentally friendly business practices.

Themes :

• Participation in and exit from international sustainability reporting programmes (United Nations Global compact programme, Global reporting initiative GRI etc)

•Risk assessment and risk management with respect to climate change

•Proactive environmental strategy by management staff

•Participation and implementation of environmental management systems (ISO 14001)

•Role of management and stakeholders in environmental sustainability reporting

•Environmental sustainability reporting related to monitoring of carbon footprint (e.g. CO2)

•CSR strategies related to the environment: Zero emission goals, green electricity(achieved or planned), Carbon offset, online business meetings

•Specific measures: Photovoltaic installations, Biodiesel/Renewable diesel, Fossil-free geothermal energy, Biomass heating plants

•Use of locally sourced materials and planting of vegetation

•Training activities in sustainability related areas

Progress in water consumption, emissions, energy consumption, biodiversity and circular resource management.
•Trends and comparison of carbon footprint measures of tourism enterprises (Emission intensity as a ratio of revenues)International comparisons of environmental sustainability reporting and the role of environmental policy at country level
•Environmental regulations (charging points for electric vehicles as standards for new buildings)Measures to switch to renewable energy sources (water, wind, sun)Monitoring of emissions by type (electricity, renewable fuels, fossil fuels, heating)Environmental and green labels in the tourism and leisure industry
•Other themes may also be considered.

Submission Guidelines :

  1. Submissions should be prepared using the Manuscript Preparation Guidelines and via the journal submission system.
  2. Research teams that are interested in having their work reviewed for an open access journal are now invited to submit an abstract of 200 words.
  3. This abstract should outline the paper and include the names and contact details of the authors, The abstract should be sent to the editorial team at: [email protected]

Deadline :

Abstract to be submitted latest by 30th September, 2021


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