Call for Papers for International Webinar on Investment Facilitation Agreement by CITL, NLUO

About the Webinar

Centre for International Trade Law (CITL) is a research centre of NLUO, established in 2015 with the vision of encouraging research in the domain of international trade law through a wide variety of activities such as webinars, conferences, publications etc. As a step to achieving this goal, CITL is organizing a webinar on the topic ‘Investment Facilitation in the BITs and Negotiations on the Investment Facilitation Agreement under WTO’. As WTO members continue to hold negotiations for an Investment Facilitation Framework for Development in order to achieve a concrete outcome by the WTO’s Ministerial Conference scheduled for November 2021, investment facilitation forms an extremely relevant topic of discussion in the current economic climate.

Thematic Breakups

1. Co-ordinating Investment Facilitation Agreement with “Firewall Provisions” of International Investment Agreements

2. Threat of Dispute Roving vis-a-vis Overlap between International Investment Agreements and Investment Facilitation Agreement

3. Need for Incorporating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Investment Facilitation Agreement Limitations of the major pillars of investment facilitation – Transparency of Investment and Responsible business Conduct

4. Special and differential treatment as a Key to Facilitating Investments in LDC Members

5. Dispute Settlement System in a Plurilateral Investment Facilitation Agreement

6. Role of Investment Facilitation Agreement in increasing dialogue between Foreign and Domestic Investors/Businesses

Note: The suggested themes are not exhaustive. Authors are free to work on a theme that  resonates with the title of the webinar.

Call for Papers

The Organizing Committee is inviting papers for presentation in the webinar from academicians, lawyers, legal researchers policymakers and law students. In addition to presenting in the webinar, on the consent of the respective authors, papers selected by the editors may be published in the forthcoming edited volume on investment facilitation to be published by the NLUO Centre for International Trade Law.

  • Given below are the submission guidelines:
    Kindly confine yourself to the topics identifiable with the title of the Conference.
  • There can be a maximum of one Co-Author on a paper.
  • Papers are to be within 4000-7000 words excluding footnotes.
  • The paper is to be written in Times New Roman, Font Size: Heading-14, Text-12 in A4 format, Line Spacing-1.5, Alignment-Justified.
  • Authors are requested to adhere to the Bluebook (21st ed.) citation format for footnoting in Times New Roman Font 10 size with Line Spacing-1.
  • Authors are to submit abstract of the paper in 250-350 words
  • Only the authors of shortlisted abstracts shall be required to send their full-length paper.
  • The Abstract should include title and subtitles and clearly highlight the Author’s perspective and the essence of the paper. The abstract must be mailed with the subject “Abstract Submission” on or before 30 September, 2021. The Abstract must contain a cover page stating the following:Title of the paper; Name of Author(s); Name of Institute/Organization •Official Designation; E-mail address; Contact Number
  • The Abstract and full-length paper should be in English language. The working language of webinar and presentations shall be English.
  • Only one paper per participant will be permitted. Multiple submissions will lead to disqualification.
  • The full-length paper is to be mailed with the subject “Final Paper” on or before 15th December, 2021.
  • Any form of plagiarism shall lead to immediate disqualification.
  • All the presenters shall receive a Certificate of Presentation.
  • All submissions (Abstract and full-length paper) must be made in .doc or .docx format only.

For More Details Click HERE

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