Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal’s Parliamentary Debate LA-LIBERTA 2.0: Apply by Nov 22

About the Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal

Jagran Lakecity University is a private university located in Bhopal, India. The University carries forward the 15-year-old legacy of Jagran Social Welfare Society, its promoting body in being a pioneer in provision of quality education in the state of Madhya Pradesh. They have two campuses one in Chandanpura and other in Mugaliyachap. The university offers 65-degree programs to more than 2500 students per year. Till now, these students came from 8 countries and 27 states of India. The University has been bestowed with several awards, such as ‘University of the Year’ for 2014, 2015 & 2016 by Federation of Madhya Pradesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FMPCCI). The University was also recognized as a Global League Institute in 2016 & 2017 at the House of Commons, London, UK

About the event

LITIGIUM, The Student-governed Debating Society of JLU School of Law, Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal is is organizing its Inaugural edition of Parliamentary Debate  “LA-LIBERTA 2.0”, which is scheduled from 27th to 29th November, 2021.

The aim of this Competition is to foster the debating culture in the Educational Institutes participating. This competition is a golden opportunity for all the debaters who wish to improve their Debating Skills and develop their overall personality.


The Competition is open to the Students enrolled in U.G. & P.G. Courses.


The format of the debate will be Asian Parliamentary Debate (AP). Each participating team must consist of three students (Institutional and Cross Institutional teams may register).

Adjudicators for the competition may be institutional or independent.

Important date

Closing of Registrations: 22 November, 2021

Dates of Competition – 27th to 29th November, 2021.


Rs. 300/- USD 5 per speaker 

Rs. 300/- USD 5 per Adjudicator 

• For Team Registration, Click here

• For Cross Team Registration, Click here

• For Independent Adjudicator Registration, Click here


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