Faculty Development Program by Ministry of Education, GOI: Register by Sep 5

About the PMMMNMTT

Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) is a Scheme launched by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The aim of the scheme is to improve the quality of school and higher education by comprehensively addressing all issues related to teachers, teaching, teacher preparation, professional development, curriculum design, designing and developing assessment & evaluation methodology, research in pedagogy and developing effective pedagogy. Many centres such as TLC, FDC, School of Education, etc. have been opened throughout the country.

About the Faculty Development Program

The Faculty Development Program is aimed to advance the quality of teaching and research in social sciences both at the graduate and post-graduate levels. The initiative has been taken to organise Online Faculty Development Program for the advancement of the quality of teaching and research in the aspects of Legal Studies and other disciplines both at the graduate and post-graduate levels. The subject areas extended to substantive and procedural courses.

The present Online Faculty Development Program will look at the research methods in Law, Social Sciences and Commerce. Updating recent developments in knowledge and skills on the laws, social sciences as well as emerging tools and techniques for better teaching/learning of these subjects will be the focus of the program.

This One Week Faculty Development Program is aimed at providing Academicians and Research Scholars who would like to update their knowledge for best research methodology and practices, materials, content analysis, presentation style to enhance the teaching skills and to promote discussion, to share the ideas and experience with fellow Professors.

Participants are encouraged to share their experiences and views. The expected learning outcome includes not just updating knowledge, but also how to translate it into teaching/learning modules in the respective subjects. Through exchange of experience, the program expects to adopt best practices and innovative methods in teaching and research.

The methodology of the Online Faculty Development Program shall be based on an online session consisting of minimum one session a day of three hours. The compulsory lecture shall be followed by an assignment and cumulative assessment of the assignment: Classroom lectures, case study, exercise based, group discussion, presentation by participants.

The program covers both the qualitative and quantitative tools of research and provides operating knowledge of statistical tools.

Participants will receive orientation through lectures and discussion with senior social scientists and experts in the field of social sciences and research methodology. Group discussions, open question answer sessions during the Faculty Development Program.


  • Philosophy of social science research
  • Research ethics
  • Research design
  • Review of literature
  • Identification of research problem
  • Language skills in scientific writings
  • Nuances of field research
  • Qualitative data analysis
  • Parametric and non-parametric tests of hypothesis
  • Correlation analysis
  • Statistical inference and testing of hypothesis
  • Regression analysis
  • Factor analysis
  • Dummy variable analysis
  • Pitching your research: How to write and publish in a scientific journal?


The Online Faculty Development Program has been specifically designed for academicians, research scholars and doctoral candidates who are teaching or conducting research in the field of Law, Social Sciences and Commerce.

General details

  • Full Commitment of One Week is required.
  • It Fulfils requirements as per CAS of UGC and AICTE for promotion requirements of the teachers and successful completion.
  • Institutional Benefits: NAAC AND NIRF
  • This will be conducted through Online Mode and will be equivalent to face to face One Week Faculty Development Program.


  • Successful completion certificate: After Qualifying as per parameters including Attendance, Assignments, Online Quizzes and Project and as per norms. (50% or above)
  • Certificate of Participation: Those who do not qualify, but attend all live sessions, will be given a certificate of participation.
  • The GAD-TLC, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi reserves the right to alter these terms and conditions


Limited Seats Registration on First Come, First serve basis.

Last Date of Payment: 05/09/2021

Registration Fee: 1350/- (INR)

To register, Click here


MAIL US AT: [email protected]

CALL: 0532-3552008

WHATSAPP: (+91) 9129495447

Program Coordinator

Dr. Sharmila Ghuge

Assistant Professor,

Jitendra Chauhan College of Law, Mumbai

Ph: +91-9821955339


Prof. Navanitha Warrier

Assistant Professor,

Jitendra Chauhan College of Law, Mumbai

Ph: +91-7977048688

Prof. Sneha Anil Kumar

Assistant Professor,

Jitendra Chauhan College of Law, Mumbai

Ph: +91-9762663439

For more information, Click here

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