Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence, Equity, and the COVID-19 Pandemic

The aim of this special issue is to highlight research projects that address the importance of Artificial Intelligence and Equity amid the COVID-19 pandemic. AI has changed our daily lives and enabled us to evolve and advance human capabilities. The COVID-19 pandemic has made AI an even more pressing issue. Research has shown that AI technologies can either reduce or exacerbate inequities in society. For example, AI may generate built-in bias during the data collection process or may be used to perpetuate inequities based on how the technology is implemented. These inequities may manifest among various sectors, including government, education, employment, healthcare, etc.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, many inequities and challenges for marginalized populations in regards to emerging technologies have become increasingly important. It is clear we need a fresh perspective to address these inequities and challenges. This special issue will draw attention to research about AI and marginalized populations, and provide solutions on how to deal with the issues that may have been exacerbated by the pandemic. It will also provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to offer opinions and ideas that may inspire the development of future AI technologies.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • The usage of AI technologies by marginalized populations
  • Issues involving the fairness, accountability, transparency and explainability of AI technologies used in disaster and pandemic management 
  • Issues facing marginalized populations in the adoption of AI technologies
  • Original scholarship on the potential role of AI technologies in prognosis, modelling, clustering and contact tracing in pandemics 
  • Opportunities and challenges facing researchers on developing AI technologies or systems by addressing equity concerns
  • Practitioner recommendations and case studies about key issues, lessons learned, and technology shortfalls and successes during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Considerations on how we provide professional suggestions for universal AI technology use and accessibility as we prepare for the future

Submission deadline:

August 31, 2022


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