Gdańsk Legal Studie 2021, No. 2

Special issue: “Cultural Heritage Law”and Handbook:“Cultural Heritage Law: Methodological Approach”Gdańsk University Press 2021

The Gdańsk Legal Studies Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk that has been published since 1996 by Gdańsk Uni- versity Press, in cooperation with Wolters Kluwer. The journal is dedicated to legal issues in the broadest sense of the terms, providing a forum for wider scientific discussion. Each issue of 

Gdańsk Legal Studies  focuses on a different research subject. Issue 2 of 2021 will be devoted to Cultural Heritage Law, Art Law and Restitution of Cultural Property and published together with the handbook entitled: “Cultural Heritage Law: Methodological Approach” (Gdańsk University Press 2021) – both edited by Kamil Zeidler.Therefore, we cordially invite scholars, lawyers and professionals to submit their contributions to our jour-nal or book – articles (up to 40.000 characters), commentaries on the judgment (up to 20.000 characters) and varia (reviews, notes, reports etc. – up to 10.000 characters) are accepted. The decision whether the text will be published in the journal or in the book, will be taken on the basis of double-blind review.

All texts shall be submitted in English to the email address of the scientific editor: [email protected]

Before submitting their text, authors and strongly urge to refer to the instructions for author available HERE

Preliminary title of the contribution should be given by:  September 30, 2020.

Deadline for submission of contributions is: November 30, 2020

Editor of the special issue of “Gdansk legal studies”

Professor Dr hub KamilZ Zeidler

Department of the theory and philosophy of state and law

Faculty of Law and administration

University of Gdańsk, Poland


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