Call for Blogs| NLIU Blog of Law and Gender: Rolling submissions!

About the National Law Institute University

The National Law Institute University (NLIU) is a law school and centre for research located in Bhopal, India. Established in 1997 by the State of Madhya Pradesh, it is one of the first three law schools to have been established under the National Law School system.

About the Blog of Law and Gender

Gender Justice Cell at NLIU endeavours to promote gender equality and raises concerns against acts of injustice and discrimination on grounds of sex and promotes research based on the issues related to gender and law.

NLIU BLOG OF LAW AND GENDER offers a forum for critical research on the interplay of contemporary issues in gender-related laws, both from an academic and social perspective. Along with exploring the various problems and challenges that affect the gender issue, the blog attempts to explore and offer workable solutions, which may be helpful in regulatory and policy decisions.

The Editorial Board welcomes submissions of original articles, comments and discussions related to Law and Gender. It aims to promote a culture of scholarly research and academic writing among students by publishing articles of subjects of interest to the legal profession and academia.


Law students pursuing the three-year LLB, as well as the five years integrated LLB program, students pursuing LLM or PhD, Research Associates, Academicians, Educators, practitioners and professionals interested or involved in the area are eligible to submit.


The submissions by the writer(s) must strictly conform to originality within the broad theme of Gender Law and related legal aspects. Submissions may include case comments on recent judgements, legislative comments on any legislation affecting gender rights or any article on contemporary issues of gender law. Further, submissions analysing or critiquing already existing academic research on a topic or issue are also welcome.


  • Submissions shall be typewritten in Garamond, font size 12 with line spacing 1.5 and justified alignment.
  • Submissions shall not be less than 1200 words and shall not exceed 1500 words (exclusive of endnotes).
  • Submissions shall contain hyperlinks in the body of the manuscript itself, instead of footnotes and endnotes. Endnotes may be used for references where hyperlinks are not possible, or the source is under a paywall or offline – such as books, articles, etc.
  • The Authors should conform to the Bluebook (20th edition) Uniform System of Citation. Endnotes shall be typewritten in, Garamond, font size 10, single-line spacing, and justified alignment.
  • The Manuscript should not contain any identification of the author/s, which shall be a ground for rejection of the submission.
  • The submission must be the original work of the authors. Plagiarism beyond 10% shall not be accepted.
  • Manuscripts shall be assessed by subjection to Blind Review Procedure. Reviewers shall not be informed of the author’s name, university, year in college, or any other personal information.
  • Submissions shall be lucid, contemporarily relevant, and well-researched. They shall contain a novel analysis of the issue by the author(s).
  • Authors will be informed regarding acceptance or rejection of their manuscripts within 10 to 14 days and an acknowledgement receipt will be sent within 48 hours of submission of the manuscript.

Submission procedure

The author(s) shall submit the manuscript with the details in the word format via Google Form attached here.

Rolling Submissions


E-mail: [email protected]

For any queries, please contact

Convenor: Monish Raghuwanshi

E-mail: [email protected]

Co-Convenor: Saloni Jaiman

E-mail: [email protected]

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