About the NULJ:

The NULJ is currently tolerating entries for its next release to be distributed in December, 2020. Entries of insightful, unique and unpublished composed works from individuals over the legitimate calling – understudies, academicians and experts – are welcomed, to be distributed in the Journal.

About the Journal:

The Journal Committee of Institute of Law, Nirma University therefore welcomes articles/research papers, contextual investigations, and book audits on law and partnered regions for distribution in the Nirma University Law Journal (December 2020 Issue) bearing ISSN Number 2249-1430. The diary is a half-yearly, peer-audited distribution from Institute of Law, Nirma University. It features contemporary issues and provokes explicit to law, with an interdisciplinary methodology towards acclimatizing information. It is an undertaking of the Institute to turn into the guide of legitimate instruction by empowering amalgamation of information and best works on cutting over the scholarly community and exploration society. The Journal is filed in Manupatra, SCC Online, Indian Citation Index and HienOnline.

Submission guidelines:

Research papers (4,000- 6,000words),

Word Limit: Submissions should not exceed:

Short notes (2000-3000 words),

Book reviews (1000-2000 words), and

Case studies/commentaries (1000-3000 words).


Entries from students pursuing Bachelors or Masters in Law and allied discipline of Social Science; Professionals, People from legal Academia would be accepted.


Maximum of two authors per entry.

Citation Style:

The Bluebook Uniform System of Citation (20th edition) shall be strictly adhered to. The main text should be in Times New Roman, size 12 with a 1.5 line spacing and the footnotes shall be in size 10 with 1.0 line spacing. This shall be a strict compliance for papers to be accepted for the review process.

The journal is guided by a well defined ‘Ethical policy’ which gives no scope for plagiarized submission. Thus, authors are strictly requested to follow the plagiarism policy for academic submissions published by UGC, or visit our website for further details @

Publication Policy:

The entries must be unique and ought not be getting looked at in some other diary. Articles with counterfeiting and copyright issues are obligated to be dismissed right away. Nirma University Law Journal isn’t to be dependent upon any risk which may emerge in such manner.

Accommodation of work must be made to Nirma University Law Journal, is characteristic of the way that the creators award selective consent to NULJ to distribute and duplicate their work in all surges of media. Such right is dependent upon the precept of reasonable use as observed under the law identifying with Intellectual Property Rights and subject to the qualifications of the creator.

The editors maintain whatever authority is needed to erase or alter any article or part thereof whose substance is discovered to be hostile, disparaging, out properly exploitative, or in the event that it is reminiscent of prejudice, sexual or strict separation, illicit or dread exercises and so forth. The article is exposed to dismissal if its substance is probably going to annoy the strict or political assessments of the peruser.

A cycle of companion audit will be utilized to investigate all the entries. Following this the creators of chose papers will be informed of the outcomes.


Submission of Abstract: 30thSeptember 2020

Submission of full paper:31st October 2020

Contact Details:

For any further queries, kindly contact us on the following number or email id:

Shubham Vijay- Mob: 9571878165  E-mail: [email protected]

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