International Conference on Internet of Things & Law, Centre for Information, Communication & Technology Law, MNLU, Mumbai: Submit by Jan 31

About the International e-Conference

With the evolution of technology taking place constantly, there has been an evolution in the network of physical objects which has resulted in the idea of the ‘Internet of Things’. The two-decades-old concept, in the era of information and globalization, has gained immense potential of hampering privacy and security. However, at the same time, it has garnered the interest of consumers by being an efficient means of powering electronic ecosystems..

About the Centre for Information, Communication and Technology Law, MNLU Mumbai

The Centre for Information, Communication and Technology Law (“CICTL”) aims to be a Centre for excellence in generating and disseminating the knowledge concerning the interrelationship between technology and law across the globe. It aims to fulfill the objectives: to explore the opportunities and challenges in the information society and provide legal and policy solutions; to serve as a platform to bring together experts, leaders, and researchers from the technical and legal domain; to undertake, promote and disseminate core law and policy research in the techno-legal field; to work in collaboration with national and international research centers, global academia, international, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and the tech industry; to offer consultancy services to a variety of sectors including the legal professionals, private industry, non-profit and public agencies in the techno-legal field.

Themes and Sub-themes

  • The themes of the conference are as follows:
  • Industrial Internet of Things
  • Role of Cyber Law in e-Governance and smart cities
  • Big Data and Privacy Protection Measures
  • Artificial Intelligence and its Legal Issues
  • Internet of Things in Healthcare Industry: Scope of Telemedicine Law
  • Internet of Things and Cloud Computing
  • Cyber security and Internet of Things
  • The Future of Internet of Things: Leveraging the Shift to a Data Centric World
  • Impact of Technology on Legal Education and Profession
  • 5G technology
  • Deepfakes and Internet of Things
  • Distributed ledger technology for the Internet of Things
  • Internet of Things and Ethical issues
  • Internet of Things product safety and liability
  • Autonomous transportation
  • Agriculture and technology
  • Machine learning
  • Privacy and disruptive technology

Please Note: The sub-topics are indicative and not exhaustive.

Structure of the Conference

Paper Presentation Session

Individually authored, or co-authored research papers will be presented in the session. The presenter will be given fifteen minutes for presenting their work and five minutes for discussion/questions. The session will be assessed by distinguished legal luminaries who possess expertise in the subject areas.

Round-Table Session

During the roundtable session, the panelists and the participants will have an interactive session on the theme and sub-topics. The focus of the round-table session is to analyze the intricacies of the advancement of technology and its related issues. At the end of the session, there shall be a Question and Answer (QnA) session where the audience can put forth their questions related to the discussion.

Eligible Participants

The International Conference is open to:

  • Academicians
  • Researchers
  • Cyber Professionals
  • Cyber Stakeholders
  • Cyber Forensic Experts
  • Practicing Advocates
  • Working Professionals
  • Students
  • or any individual interested in the subject.


There is no registration fee required. Prior registration is mandatory for paper presenters as well as participants for the conference. All the participants will receive the link to join the e-Conference on 5th March 2021.
Please register here and in case of any query contact: [email protected]

Call for Papers

  • Submissions in form of Articles, Case, and Legislative Commentaries are invited for the Paper-presentation session at the Conference.
  • Interested candidates would be required to submit an abstract and once the abstract is approved, the manuscript can be submitted.
  • The submitted manuscript will be evaluated based on relevance to the theme of the e-Conference, originality of the research paper, policy significance, and engagement with the broader research area of the Centre. The papers may be theoretical, applied, or policy-oriented.
  • The best presenters would be awarded prizes, and every participant would be awarded the certificate of participation by the Centre.
  • Furthermore, among the shortlisted papers, a selected few will be provided with the opportunity of publication in the upcoming issue of the Centre’s Journal – “International Journal of Cyber Laws”.

Submission Guidelines

The submissions of the abstract should be through email (ictconference[at] with the subject line as “Abstract – ICT International Conference”.

Once the abstract is approved, the manuscript will be accepted through email. The deadline for this would be 1st March 2021.

Content Guidelines – Abstract

The abstract of the manuscript on any of the given themes shall be duly sent. It should not exceed 500 words. It should include the following:

  • Title of the paper
  • Keywords
  • Name of the author(s)
  • The designation, Name of the Institution
  • E-mail address
  • Contact details

Content Guidelines – Paper

  • Co-authorship up to three authors is permitted.
  • The submissions should be unpublished, original and not under review with any similar platform. A maximum similarity of 15% is allowed. Non-adherence to this rule shall result in rejection of the article summarily with no chance for improvement.
  • Submissions must ideally be limited to the following word limits. However, the author can exceed the limit in case of necessity subject to discretion of the Reviewer concerned. This limit shall be exclusive of footnotes and abstract.
    • Articles – 3000 to 5000 words
    • Case and Legislative Comments – 2000 to 3000 words
  • Submissions should be made only in Microsoft Word (.docx) format. The submission should adhere to the following formatting style:
    • Heading – Times New Roman, Upper Case, Font size: 14, Line spacing: 1.5”.
    • Sub Heading – Times New Roman, Small Caps Case, Font size: 12, Line spacing: 1.5”.
    • Body – Times New Roman, Font size: 12, Line spacing: 1.5”
    • Footnote – Font size: 10, Line spacing: 1”
  • Relevant sources such as judgments, laws, treaties, news article and other legal texts must be added as footnotes adhering to the uniform Bluebook 20th Edition citation style. There is no applicable fee for publication or review.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission: 31st January 2021
  • Notification of Selected Papers: 3rd February 2021
  • Submission of Full Paper: 1st March, 2021
  • Last Date of Registration: 5th March
  • International e-Conference Date: 6th – 7th March 2021

 For detailed information about the event, Click here.

To register for the conference, click here.

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