Cfp for law students by JLHR [Jindal Law and Humanities Review]: Submit by Apr 18

Jindal Law and Humanities Review (JLHR) is a student-run, peer-reviewed publication, brought out by Jindal Global Law School, O.P.Jindal Global University. The journal, by challenging the distinction between law and non-law and positing the relationship between law and society as foundational to jurisprudence, constitutionalism, and the everyday realities of law aims to explore how the law interacts with the humanities

The Opportunity

JLHR wishes to further the enterprise inaugurated by interdisciplinary journals in India and around the world by delving into the ways of engaging with sociology, anthropology, history, legal literature, and the like while provoking a larger experience of producing varied forms of work on law and humanities through creative forms of expression.

To address these points of a discourse, Jindal Law and Humanities Review invites original and unpublished submissions for its second issue, to be published in August 2021.

Eligibility and Theme

  • Prospective contributors may belong to any discipline or no discipline at all. They may be legal practitioners, academics, students, artists, or anyone else genuinely sharing the journal’s vision.
  • Eligibility is certainly not a bar.
  • While there is no theme, JLHR encourages you to refer to the previous edition of the journal. They would accept interdisciplinary submissions posited at the intersection of law and humanities.


Each submission must be accompanied by a brief but adequate abstract. The following categorical limits are for quick reference:

  • Research Articles: 5000-7000 words
  • Legal Ethnography: 4000 words
  • Commentaries: 2500-3000 words
  • Book/Literature Review: 2000-3000 words
  • Prose and Poems: As the author thinks fit
  • Visual Essays: 5-10 Photographs.
  • Video Essays: Around 10 Minutes.

Guidelines for submission

  • Authors are requested to include footnotes as of and when necessary. ney must adhere to the standards of OSCOLA, Fourth Edition.
  • Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 (Size 10 for footnotes).
  • Written works must have double spacing.
  • Submissions must follow British English spellings
  • Written submissions must be Word Documents (.docx).
  • For visual essays, the authors must submit both the full essay and separate high-resolution versions of the photographs.
  • Please include a cover letter containing the name and contact details of the author(s).

Submission Deadline

April 18, 2021

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