Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Environment: Futuristic Management Perspectives and Practices

Submission Portal Open: 1st June 2021

Submission deadline: 30th September 2021

Across the globe, artificial intelligence (AI) is continuously reshaping businesses, trade interface economic activities and society at large by transforming customer experiences with organizations, employee experiences within organizations and their exchange relationships amongst varied stakeholders and citizens’ interests.

An emerging literature stream is starting to shed light on the AI-enabled issues, but there is much to be learned from applying novel theory-driven approaches in this significant area. In light of the emergent nature of this research stream in different domains of management, the objective of this special issue is to provide a more comprehensive understanding—and shape the research agenda —of the business systems, platforms, procedures and mechanisms underpinning different stakeholders experiences with reality-enhancing technologies and the transformative application of these technologies in management. Despite of AI’s promising developments in different industries, many firms struggle to effectively leverage (a combination of) these disruptive technologies to engage their stakeholders such as customers, employees, shareholders and society as large in novel AI-enabled experiences, empower them in decision making from numerous facets, strengthen the brand relations, and connect consumers with each other. So this special issue will enlighten the audience about it

The special issue will be focused on the futuristic approaches and innovations on the above disciplines and original research articles of high quality shall be considered to foster the research and innovation, where theoretical, systematic literature reviews, bibliometric, meta-analysis, case studies and empirical research articles that fall within some of the following topics (but not limited to) are addressed:

  • AI-enabled business systems and processes
  • AI-enabled applications – manufacturing, production, services etc.
  • AI-enabled interface – tourism, hospitality and travel industry
  • AI and business automation – Block chain, ERP, MIS etc.
  • AI in fashion – merchandizing, assortment, fulfilment, online fashion etc.
  • AI in healthcare – hospitals, health, medical and wellness centres
  • AI in food service industry – restaurants, online food apps, lounges, aggregators etc.
  • AI and its education – usage in teaching, learning and research etc.
  • AI and aviation – airline, airports, virtual interfaces etc.
  • AI and e-commerce – e-business, online shopping and e-tailing etc.

Keywords: AI, AI-enabled services, AI-enabled interface, virtual reality, augmented reality

  • Submission of Abstracts: May 15, 2021
  • Notification of Acceptance and Rejection of Abstract: May 30, 2021
  • Full Paper Submission deadline: October 10, 2021
  • First Review Reports: November 20, 2021
  • Final submission of papers after addressing Reviews: December 15, 2021
  • Planned publication date: January-March 2022
  • Maximum length of papers: 6000-7000 words. Author guidelines can be consulted here
  • Submit your paper through:
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