Call for Papers: TISS’s Journal of Migration Affairs : Submitted by June 30

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Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) is a deemed university fully funded by the University Grants Commission, Government of India. TISS offers over 50 Master’s Degree programs from Mumbai, Tuljapur, Guwahati, and Hyderabad Campuses. Masters’ programs are offered in a range of socially relevant inter-disciplinary areas.

About The Journal Of Migration Affairs
Journal of Migration Affairs invites submissions by a Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Roots/Routes and Memories Thereof: Migration in Literature.

The 2020 Pandemic has foregrounded the otherwise neglected vulnerable lives of migrants, especially internal migrants, who live within the perimeters of the country but move from rural to urban areas not of choice but for very survival.

Migration, for several decades now, has been a site of inquiry and interest in academia. Existing studies on migration and migrants’ experiences are largely shaped by social scientists, with sociologists, economists, anthropologists, and political scientists debating the causes and effects of global migrations. However, migrant narratives in the form of conventional literary works as also the newly emerging genre of blogs/vlogs, films, and documentaries have the capacity to empathetically and effectively relate to the complex, multi-layered lives of migrants.

Certain literary narratives document stories of original inhabitants of countries, whose land, resources, cultures and economies stand ravaged by settler colonialism. The arrival of the colonizer/migrant and his subsequent settlement in the colony (both voluntary) inflicted immeasurable and often irrecoverable changes in the lives of the indigenous people of the colony/country. Migration, thus, is not unilateral but a phenomenon both multidirectional and inconsistent.

However, migrant narratives can also be sites of resistance and resilience. Such narratives may highlight fusion cultures; interchange of languages and experiences may manifest in cultural artifacts like new forms of music, poetry, food, new political ideologies to name but a few.

Scholarly articles are invited for a special issue of the Journal of Migration Affairs that might address, but are not limited to:

*Literary Representations of Internal Migrants
*Pandemic and the Migrant Experience in Literature
*Class, Caste, Ethnicity and the Migrant Experience in Literature
*Refugees, esp. Dislocated and Traumatised Women and Children in Literary Narratives
*Violence and Migration in Personal Archives
*Vlogs, Blogs, Photographs, Films and Documentaries of Everyday Life of Migrants
*Literary Narratives of Borders, Citizenship and Ethnic/Religious Minorities
*Gender, Sexuality and the Migrant Experience in Literature
*Intersectionality and Experiences of Migration in Literature
*Migrant Narratives of Resistance and Resilience
*Nation, Identities, Religion and the Migrant Experience in Literature
*Cli- fi, Climate Justice, and Climate Refugees in Literary Narratives

Submission Guidelines
The paper should be restricted to 6000-8000 words.
Articles under Commentary Section may contain 2500-3000 words.
The Journal of Migration Affairs is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. This usual review process will apply.

Submission Procedure
The papers may be sent to [email protected] with a copy marked to the Guest Editor, Dr. Shreya Bhattacharji [email protected].

Important Date
The last date for sending the paper for this issue is 30 June 2021.

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