Annual International Journal on Social Science Affairs is inviting submissions on a rolling basis from all interested contributors from the disciplines of social science. The journal Is an open access journal where all the contributions will be made available in all the search engines and the database where the journal is or will be indexed freely available for all readers. All authors will also get free DOI (Digital Object Identifier), HTML links to their contributions after publication and PDF versions of their contributions for free. The authors are also allowed to publish their audio-visual supplementary materials supporting their scholarly contributions under the category of supplementary materials.
About the journal
Annual International Journal on Social Science Affairs (AIJSSA) is an annual international double-blind peer-reviewed journal in the field of Social Sciences published by Aequitas Victoria Foundation. The journaldeals with contemporary affairs primarily within the disciplines under the category of Social Sciences but also encourages interdisciplinary research works from any discipline provided the relation of the subject matter with the social institutions, or any other social matters shall be established and highlighted to meet the eligibility criteria of the journal.
The journal intends to cover the following fields of social sciences including
1. Anthropology;
2. Cultural studies;
3. Developmental Studies;
4. Economics
5. Education;
6. Environmental Studies;
7. Gender Studies;
8. History
9. Industrial Relations;
10. International Relations;
11. Law;
12. Library Science;
13. Political Science;
14. Psychology;
15. Sociology;
16. Social Work;
17. Sustainable Development;
18. Theoretical studies on subjects from any of the above disciplines;
Other Important Guidelines
1. Margin must be 0.5 inches from all sides;
2. No page numbers must be given
3. All sources from where information has been used for writing the manuscripts, or the references of the authorities whose data has been applied during the research shall be duly acknowledged by providing citations and references;
4. The Journal accepts citations by way of footnotes, or references, or in-text citations;
5. Either MLA Handbook or OSCOLA 4th edition shall be used for making references and citations.
6. The Journal encourages the authors to use information from verified and authentic sources. Citations from unauthorized blogs or publications might amount to a rejection of the submissions; and
7. Unnecessary referencing shall be avoided and efforts shall be made to provide due credits to the authors and authorities whose information, or research works, or any other materials have been applied by the author(s) in their research works.
8. All the Figures, Tables, and other Diagrams shall be provided in Central aligned format and shall not be included in between the running texts of the manuscripts;
9. The name of the Figure, Tables, and Diagrams shall be provided right below such figures, tables, and diagrams and shall be duly cited by way of footnoting;
10. For self-created figures, tables, diagrams, graphs, etc. the authors shall mention the term self-created in the footnote section; and
11. For more information on the resolution and other graphical guidelines kindly refer to the section Guidelines for Graphics.