The Competition Authority of Kenya (CAK) and the University of Johannesburg’s Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development (CCRED) are honoured to host the 8th Annual Capacity Building Workshop and Symposium on Competition Law and Policy during the 6th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Week (ACER VI). ACER VI will be hosted ONLINE in 2021, combining three ONLINE Professional Training Programmes (PTPs) running concurrently on 20-24, 27 September 2021, and an ONLINE Symposium on 28-29 September 2021.


The PTPs will run as half-day online sessions over six days (20-24, 27 September 2021). Each course has been updated to cover key theoretical concepts and emerging issues in competition economics and law, and consumer protection. Each course includes real-world case studies and exercises run in facilitated online breakout groups, and draws on cases from within Africa and outside Africa to enhance learning on how the theoretical principles are applied. The PTPs will be taught by the leading international practitioners and academics in the field, including facilitators from CAK and CCRED. PTPs on offer:

  1. Competition Economics and Policy

This course addresses the core areas of competition economics, in a practitioner-oriented approach, with carefully selected case examples and exercises. It will cover the most recent cases in Kenya, other African countries and internationally, to demonstrate the application of competition tests in practice.

  1. Legal Principles in Competition and Consumer Protection

This course covers core legal principles in competition and consumer protection law and issues of legal due process and decision-making. Practical aspects such as initiating investigations, market inquiries and obtaining evidence will be addressed, in addition to the role of economic evidence in deciding on likely harm to competition. Lessons on drafting pleadings, running hearings and procedural questions will be covered through practical examples.

3.Advanced Masterclasses on Competition

In an exciting offering targeted at more experienced participants, a series of six masterclasses will be delivered by international and local presenters. Each half-day masterclass will focus on the latest theory and practice in contemporary advanced competition topics. These include digital platforms; market inquiries; mobile money and e-commerce; COVID-19 price gouging and competition actions; buyer power and price discrimination; developments in merger control, such as killer acquisitions and regional cooperation; and competition policy, climate change and sustainability.


The Symposium will offer a platform for discussion on frontier topics in African competition policy and regulation, and presentation of selected, high-quality papers by authors from throughout the region. The Symposium Call for Papers opens on 1 June 2021 and closes on 10 July 2021. Abstracts are invited on all issues of competition policy and enforcement, especially in the following key themes:

● Reviewing 10 Years of the Competition Authority of Kenya: Impact Assessment and Comparative Insights

● COVID-19, competition enforcement and economic recovery in developing countries.

● The AfCFTA and regional competition enforcement: opportunities and challenges.

● Competition and consumer protection in Africa, as it relates to digital platforms.

Abstracts should be no more than 250 words, submitted to [email protected] by 10 July 2021. Acceptance of abstracts will be communicated by 19 July 2021. Final papers must be submitted by 10 September 2021.

While the Symposium is free to attend, registration using the booking form is required.


To reserve your place for the PTPs and/or Symposium, complete the booking form. Registration for the PTPs or Symposium closes on 10 September 2021. The form contains further information on how to reserve your place. Group bookings are welcomed! Queries can be directed to [email protected] and Irvine Manyukisa ([email protected]). Course and Symposium details will be updated regularly on the ACER VI website and social media platforms (#ACERVI – Twitter: @CAK_Kenya and @CCRED_UJ).

We look forward to hosting you at the PTPs, Symposium or both!

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