Purpose : Crime & Delinquency invites submissions—original empirical research—for a special
issue “COVID-19’s Impact on Crime and Delinquency” guest edited by Joan A. Reid and Michael
T. Baglivio.
This special issue aims to enhance the limited but growing existing scholarship regarding the implications of the global coronavirus pandemic on crime and delinquency. Undoubtedly, the pandemic has impacted nearly every facet of societies, including impacts on antisocial behavior, victims and victimization, criminal and juvenile justice systems, policing, court responses to offending, and available system resources. The guest Editors are seeking studies that examine the impacts of COVID-19 on all facets of crime and delinquency. Accepted papers will appear in a special issue to be published in 2022. Accepted papers will be published ahead of print in Online First.
This special issue is now open for submissions. The special issue submission deadline is September 30, 2021. All submissions will undergo a blind peer review. An abstract and a brief biographical sketch must accompany the manuscripts. Send two electronic copies of the manuscript: one full version (with cover page indicating the
contributors, acknowledgements, funding, etc.), and one blind copy (without any identifying information to [email protected]). All manuscripts should be in MS Word format and conform to the formatting style of Crime & Delinquency, found here: https://journals.sagepub.com/authorinstructions/CAD.