IITG-HSS GRADUATE RESEARCH MEET 2021: 11th – 12th November, 2021


The Graduate Research Meet is an annual national seminar and researchers meet conducted by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIT Guwahati is a vibrant center for research and teaching composed of academics from eleven different disciplines: Archaeology, Development Studies, Economics, English, Geography, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology. With its varied range of research interests and expertise, the department promotes interdisciplinary work in humanities and social sciences.

The event is organized by the Ph.D. scholars of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. This is an event organized for students by their peer group and therefore offers an excellent opportunity for doctoral students to present their work-in-progress and receive valuable feedback from peers and experts alike.

Abstracts Submission for GRM 2021

Presentation Guidelines:
For seminar presentations, papers will be allotted 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for discussion.

Abstracts should include:
1. The title of the paper
2. A list of 3-5 key-words describing the area and focus

Note: Abstracts with participant’s name/Institution’s name/Any other personal details will be rejected.

Abstracts should be between 250-300 words and are to be submitted online here.

Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and acceptance will be notified by 01 October 2021. The deadline for full paper submission is 31 October 2021. Please mail the full paper to [email protected]

Process of Abstract Submission

Submission link : here.
1. Sign up for an account (if you do not have one already).
2. Complete the visual security verification.
3. Enter your personal details such as first name, last name and email.
4. Go to your email inbox and verify by following the instructions.
5. Sign in with your username and password.
6. Click on “New Submission”, fill up the appropriate boxes and submit.
7. Please do not mention your name and affiliation in the column of “Abstract”.

 List of Sub themes

Abstracts can be submitted in any of the [though not limited to] following sub-themes, keeping in mind the broad theme of “Humanities and Social Sciences in an Age of Crisis”:

  • Critical Public Health, Population and Sustainable Development
  • Social Movements, Indigenous Politics, Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policies
  • Appropriate use of research methods in development studies
  • Immigration and Polarization Climate Change vulnerability and adaptation, Water Resource Management
  • Perspectives on Child Nutrition; Issues on human development with focus on food, education, income and health
  • The challenge of Pandemics
  • Literary imaginations of marginality and visions of a better future
  • Digital Humanities, Literature and Gender, Literature and Popular Culture
  • Urban Geography, Economic Geography, Cultural Geography, Labour Geography
  • India’s Environmental History
  • Financial and Banking History, History of Patents, Intellectual Property Rights in India
  • Histories of Everyday Culture, People and Places in Transition and Language, Region and Nation
  • Linguistics, Approaches to studying endangered languages
  • International Politics; Politics, Conflicts, and the Military in India
  • Democracy, Constitution, Rule of Law
  • Environment, Development and Society, Dams and Displacement in North-East India
  • Science, Technology and Society; Nations and Nationalism; History and Sociology of Modernity
  • Gender Violence and Law
  • Tribes, Culture and Society
  • Philosophy, Value Crisis and Moral Responsibility, Normative and Practical Ethics


No Registration fee

Last date of online registration: 10 October 2021

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