Call for Papers | The ILSCA ADR Blog


ILS Centre for Arbitration and Mediation (ILSCA), is a sister institution of the Indian Law Society- a reputed society in the field of Legal Education. The Centre was established in the year 2016 with the sole objective to provide facilities for conducting arbitration and mediation, both ad hoc as well as institutional. It is established to facilitate the impartial administration of ADR proceedings and help to promote a cordial and rational settlement of disputes between parties through various methods of dispute resolution.

The ILSCA ADR BLOG is an ADR oriented academic blog established under the auspices of ILSCA. It has been founded with the aim of pioneering a dynamic forum, for dissemination and sharing of constructive viewpoints in the field of Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation, Conciliation and all other aspects of ADR.


The blog is now accepting submissions on rolling basis on any contemporary and relevant national and international issues in areas of alternative dispute resolution, including but not limited to Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation, and Conciliation.


  • Form and Word Limit- The submissions can take the form of articles, opinions, case comments, book reviews and short notes on the aforementioned topics and ideally should not exceed 1500 words.
  • Nature- The articles should be analytical rather than descriptive, comprising of the author(s)’s views, adding to the existing literature on the subject.
  • Co-authorship- Co-authorship up to 2 authors is permitted.
  • Summary- The submissions must contain succinct, introductory paragraph summarizing the substance of the submission.
  • Formatting- The submissions should be in a uniform Garamond size 12 font, with 1.5” Spacing and justified alignment.
  • Citations- For references, an appropriate hyperlink should be provided therefor in the main text itself. In case, sources are not available as open-source documents, endnotes may be added adhering to the Uniform Bluebook 20th Edition citation style.
  • Plagiarism- Any degree of plagiarism will result in rejection of the submission in a summary manner and the decision of the Editorial Board shall be final in this regard.
  • Acknowledgement- By submitting an article, the author represents to the Editorial board that the same is an Original Work of the author and further undertakes that the same has not been submitted, or published, or under consideration for publication elsewhere.  The author agrees, acknowledges and confirms that the Editorial board has the exclusive rights to remove/pull down the article from the blog/website, in the event of receipt of any notice/claim in so far as the ownership or copyright/intellectual property of the published article is concerned and the same shall be at the sole discretion of the editorial board and the board is not required to consult the  concerned author in this regard.
  • Image- In case, if author/authors wish to have a particular image as a preview of their blogpost, then kindly send high resolution image for the same, as an attachment to the email. If any such image is sent, author is required to include an alternative text describing such image in the body of cover letter.  Authors shall insure that they have required permission for using such image or it is free and reusable for non-commercial purpose. (Authors need to check licensing information given along with image on Google Search engine). Ideally, images should be attached to the submissions.
  • Title- The submissions should have an informative and narrative title, which condenses the crux of the article. However, it should not be more than 15 words. . If the author wishes the Editorial Board to assign a title, the author should inform the same in the submission.

For further guidelines, visit here.


  • All submissions must be mailed to [email protected] in the Microsoft Word (doc. or docx.) format, with the title of the article as the file name, accompanied with a covering letter containing the details of the author/s including-
  • the name/s,
  • institutional affiliation,
  • title,
  • the category (arbitration /mediation /negotiation /conciliation /other), and
  • contact details of the authors, including the phone number and the email address.
  • The body of the submission should not contain any identification of the author/s of any kind.
  • The submissions must be made before the 10th of every month.


  • All the submissions undergo a double-blind review system to determine the publication of a submission.
  • The decision of the Editorial Board shall be final and binding.
  • The decision of the Editorial Board will be communicated to the author within 10 days of the receipt of the email.

For further details on the review process, click here.


Cross-posting of articles already published on the blog is subject to the condition that such cross-posting should acknowledge that the article was originally published on the ILSCA ADR blog.

Visit the ILSCA ADR Blog Here

Meet our Editorial Board: HERE

Meet our Advisory Board: HERE

In case of any other queries, you can reach out to us on: [email protected]

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