by: Shraddha Srivastava


For millennia, women have been oppressed and suppressed by men. Women were denied education; they were insulted and were never accepted as equal to men. The roots of oppression that made her down in every facet of life are deeply embedded in the patriarchal system of society whose poisonous fruits are existing even today in the form of gender-based violence. To put an end to all the discrimination, the concept of feminism came into being. Feminism comprises several social, political, cultural, economic, and moral philosophies accompanied by a conscious commitment to gender equality and equal rights for women. With changing society, the definition of feminism is changing. It has different meanings in different countries, which is also varied based on caste, class, consciousness, etc., but has a common objective: to end prejudice of any kind. In general, feminism is all about freedom, liberation, and equality.


Feminism is derived from the French word ‘feminism’ coined by the utopian socialist Charles Fourier and seems to have been popularized in the 1890s. There is no easy and simple answer on what feminism is; therefore, different feminists and writers have different aspects related to feminism. “Moreover, many modern feminists believe that not even a single theory can outline all aspects of the domination and oppression of women.” Many used it to refer “to some historical political movements in the USA and Europe.” In contrast, others refer to the belief that women are always suppressed and facing injustice, have no rights and no equality as the idea of feminism, “…women need feminism because there are women who suffer injustice…”.1. “ For example, I use the description of feminism as provided in Merriam Webster dictionary that states as, the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes and also organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interest.” By a feminist believer, “feminism is a struggle to correct laws and practices that prevent the woman from achieving full equality with men in all aspects of domestic and public life. But the deeper struggle is against attitudes that sustain such discriminatory practices”.2 Feminism is goal-oriented with the purpose to empower women and to create awareness of women’s oppression and exploitation in society.


Women have their uniqueness, their status, own place, and individuality. The awakening of the feminine characters such as caring, nurturing, and creativity are urgently needed to save humanity, and for this, Women’s uniqueness must be respected and supported.

Kate Chopin was an American author, and her unique style of writing novels based on the feminist movement aired political and social issues affecting women in the twentieth century and proved to be influential worldwide. Her book “The Awakening” is noted as one of the first feminist works in American literature, which primarily centers upon transforming a woman from a traditional housewife and mother to an independent individual with a sense of self-awareness. Realizing independent and fundamental aspects of life is meant to be an Awakening for women in actual terms rather than the conformities that society brings upon them.


Feminism must become a way of life rather than being just a label. The feminist movements were necessary to end all structures of violence that prevail in society for centuries. It was, is, and will be the most influential tool to complete all kinds of violence against women. Its primary concern is to create an enlightened path for women in their life which should be free from all types of subjugation. It also doesn’t imply that the movements are against men. It aims to provide equal opportunities to both of them, and that equality must be only on a humanitarian basis rather than gender. “The freedom of women is going to be the freedom of men too”.3

Considering the point of equality, we can’t say that feminism is just equality. It can be regarded as a revolutionary movement that makes us realize that we are all created ‘unique’ instead of equal. It creates a world of mutuality between males and females which sharpens our aim of peace and freedom apart from equality. The re-exploring of feminism does not depend only on the end of violence and women’s liberation alone but also on men. We can create a society where both men and women have participated in mutual coordination with love, respect, and the most prosperous.

1. Zara Huda Faris: Article: ‘Do Women Need Feminism.’ Muslim Debate Initiative (MDI0 28 February 2013.pl

2. Murphy,1995.

3. Sermons in Stones, Ch.5, Ch. Title: Laughter – As sacred as Prayer.

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