Legal Concept of Economic Activity Workshop

Call for Papers: Legal Concept of Economic Activity Workshop

The Business and Corporate Law Department of the Russian State University of Justice invites submissions (in English, Spanish, Russian, or Esperanto) for a workshop to be held via Zoom and streamed via YouTube on November 11, 2021.

Contact Information

Russian State University of Justice
Business and Corporate Law Department
Novochermushkinsk aya street, d. 69, Moscow, 117418, Russia [email protected]

Submissions are invited for papers dealing with any aspect of legal dimensions of economic activity. Papers might address, inter alia, the following issues:

  • Does legislation need a definition f or the economic activity and its types?
  • Legal dimensions of business and entrepreneurship
  • Economic activity and public regulation
  • Concept of economic activity and the contract. Contractual relation as a piece of continuous economic activity of an economic entity.
  • The professionalism of entity’s economic activity as a legal fact, influencing its legal status
  • The economic activity of consumer’s counterparts
  • Differentiation of stakeholders by type of an economic activity
  • Legal qualification of economic activity of owners and clients of marketplaces and other e-platforms as two-sided markets
  • Transformation of the concept of business in the sharing economy ​


Abstracts (250 – 500 words in English and in original language if differs) should be submitted by October 31 2021 , for review by a scientific board by filling a form at:

Acceptance decisions will be announced by November 3, 2021.


Papers (in English, Spanish, Russian or Esperanto) could be published according to authors’ desire in a collection of articles, indexed by and Google Scholar.

The length of a paper should not extend to 22,000 characters. Full papers, including abstracts and keywords, should be sent on or before December 11, 2021, via email [email protected].

Layout: File type: .doc or .docx; font: Times New Roman, size – 14 (10 for footnotes); margins: top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm; interval – 1.5; alignment: to the width of the page (except for information about th e author, title, annotation and keywords). Footnotes: paged, continuous numeration. Style: APA, MLA, Harvard or Chicago (will be converted to the Russian GOST style).DetailsOrganisation: Business and Corporate Law Department, Russian State University of Justice[email protected]Deadline: 31/10/2021

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