2022 YCC Conference Call for Papers

The Younger Comparativists Committee (YCC) of the American Society of Comparative Law (ASCL) is pleased to invite submissions for its Eleventh Annual Conference, to be held on October 7-8, 2022 at Boston, Massachusetts, at Northeastern University. The purpose of the conference is to highlight, develop, and promote the scholarship of younger scholars of comparative law. The conference will be held in a hybrid format (in-person and allowing for online participation).

Conference Subject-Matter and Eligibility

Submissions will be accepted from younger scholars on any subject in public or private law comparative law. For the purposes of the YCC conference, “younger scholars” are defined as graduate students, law teachers, lecturers, fellows, and other scholars, provided that they have not held a full-time academic position since before July 1, 2012 (i.e., less than 10 years as of June 30, 2022). Submissions from full-time faculty, research fellows, and graduate students are equally welcome.

Submission Instructions

To submit an entry, scholars should email an attachment in Microsoft Word or PDF containing an abstract of between 500 and 750 words to [email protected]. The deadline for submission is Monday, August 15, 2022. Abstracts received thereafter will not be considered. Please indicate whether you intend to attend the conference in person or online (by including the words “In-Person” or “Online” in the subject line of your email).

Abstracts should reflect original research that will not yet have been published, but may have been accepted for publication. Interested participants should include the author’s name, title of the paper, institutional affiliation, contact information, and three to five keywords. In the email, the author should certify that she/he qualifies as a younger scholar. Graduate students should identify themselves as such in the email.

Proposals for fully formed panels are encouraged. Panels must center around a common theme and include a confirmed list of panel members, abstracts for each presenter, and other required information. Please include the words “Panel Proposal” in the subject line of your email.

Each scholar may make only one submission. Both individual and co-authored submissions will be accepted. For co-authored submissions, both authors must qualify as younger comparativists. The conference’s Program Subcommittee will assign individual and co-authored submissions to thematic panels according to subject area.


Authors of the submissions selected for the conference will be notified no later than September 1, 2022.

There is no cost to register for the conference, but participants are responsible for securing their own funding for travel, lodging and other incidental expenses. A limited number of travel stipends ($200 to US and Canadian participants, and $400 – for those traveling overseas), may be awarded to those who indicate financial need. Priority will be given to faculty and students of ASCL Member Institutions, and thereafter to authors from non-Member institutions. If you would like to be considered for a travel stipend, please make that request in your submission, and indicate your institution’s status.

All scholars selected for the conference—other than graduate students who wish to be considered for the Colin B. Picker graduate student prize listed below (and have an earlier deadline)—must submit final papers by email to [email protected] no later than October 1, 2022.

Colin B. Picker Graduate Student Prize

The YCC will award the Colin B. Picker Prize for the best paper submitted by a graduate student. To be considered for the award, in addition to submitting an abstract by the above deadline, graduate students whose abstracts are accepted for the conference must also submit their papers in their final form by September 16, 2022, to [email protected] with the following subject line: “Submission for Graduate Student Prize.”

Phanor J. Eder Prize in Comparative Law

The YCC will award the Phanor J. Eder Prize for the best paper submitted by a J.D., B.A., or LL.B. or other student who has not yet completed the first law degree as of September 1, 2022. The author(s) of the winning paper will receive a modest stipend to help defray the costs of attending the conference and presenting the paper there. A separate call will be forthcoming with the details of the Phanor J. Eder competition. Final papers will be due on September 16, 2022, in order to be considered for the competition.

Acknowledgements and Questions

The Younger Comparativists Committee gratefully acknowledges the support of Northeastern University and the American Society of Comparative Law. Please direct all inquiries to Vera Korzun (Chair of the YCC Committee) or Claudia Haupt (Chair of the Program Subcommittee) by email to [email protected]

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