Call for Papers for a Special Issue- Occupations And Memory In Organization Studies:Journal of Management Studies(Society for the Advancement of Management Studies)

Submission Deadline: 30 November 2022

A Special Issue is a refereed collection of articles on a predetermined theme. The theme typically focuses on an area of inquiry that has not been sufficiently explored in management literature, and that is sufficiently broad to be of interest to JMS readers.



There is an intrinsic and enduring connection between occupations and memory. In the age before printing, mnemotechnics, or the “art of memory”, was a critical criterion of elite occupations in ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman societies (Yates, 1966). The medieval guilds and craft apprenticeships, similarly, adapted techniques of memory handed down from the ancients as a discipline for training experts in religion, art, literature, and architecture (Kieser, 1989).

Research on Occupations and Professions in Organizations (OPO) is a vivid area of scholarly activity that encompasses the study of professions, occupations, careers, and expert work (Anteby, Chan, & DiBenigno, 2016). In addition to more traditional functionalist and conflict-based approaches, organization scholars have recently developed an institutional approach that focuses on the parallel processes of professionalization and institutionalization (Muzio, Brock, & Suddaby, 2013; Suddaby & Viale, 2011).

Aims and Scope

The goal of this proposal is to foster the mutual development of the research on OPO (Anteby et al., 2016; Muzio et al., 2013) and OMS (Foroughi et al., 2020; Rowlinson et al., 2010). OMS is concerned with processes of remembering, forgetting, and representing the past in and around organizations (Coraiola, Barros, Maclean, & Foster, 2021). OPO studies the creation and legitimation of expert knowledge, the emergence of occupational communities, and the formation of boundaries and jurisdictions around professions (Abbott, 1988). So far, there has been limited cross-fertilization between these two research areas. Given the relevance of memory to the work of experts and the fundamental role experts play developing collective memory work, we call for more research on the intersection of the literature on OPO and OMS.

Topics of Interest

Contributions focused on below mentioned themes are encouraged but not limited to these :

1. Institutions of memory and the institutionalization of mnemonic practices

2. Professional projects, collective identities and institutional work

3. Professionals in organizations and professional organizations

4. Politics of remembering, professional responsibility and ethics

Submission Process and Deadlines

  • Submission deadline: 30 November 2022
  • Papers will be reviewed according to the JMS double-blind review process.
  • We welcome informal enquiries relating to the Special Issue, proposed topics and potential fit with the Special Issue objectives.
  • Enquiries should be directed to: Diego M. Coraiola, University of Victoria, [email protected]

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