Fellowship is available for pursuing research work leading to award of Ph.D degree under ‘SAVITRIBAI JYOTIRAO PHULE FELLOWSHIP FOR SINGLE GIRL CHILD’.

  1. To support higher education of single girl child in Social Sciences.
  2. To recognize the value of observance of small family norm.
  3. To recognize the norm of single girl child in society.
  4. To propagate the concept of single girl child norm.
  5. To promote single girls in the society.


A ‘single girl child’ means the only girl child in the family without having any brother or sister. A girl scholar who is one of the twin daughters/fraternal daughter is also eligible to apply for fellowship under the scheme.
If, in a family there is one or more son and one daughter, then the girl child shall not be considered for fellowship under the scheme.
Proof of being single girl child has to be submitted on an affidavit of Rs.100/- Stamp paper from the parents duly attested by SDM / First Class Magistrate / Tahsildar as per the prescribed proforma (Annexure I) at the time of filling the online application. In case, the parents are not alive, affidavit can be submitted by guardian of candidate.

NUMBER OF SLOTS: The number of slots for fellowship will be decided every year on the basis of eligible applications complete in all respects, received through online mode.


  1. Any single girl child of her parents pursuing Ph.D. in any stream/subject in recognised Universities/Colleges/ Institutes is eligible to apply under the scheme.
  2. The scheme is applicable to such a single girl child who has registered herself in regular, full-time Ph. D. program.
  3. Admission to Ph.D. Course in part-time/distance mode is not covered under the scheme. A scholar is not eligible for fellowship if the research is intended/pursued through open/ part-time distance education mode or parttime mode.
  4. Girl students up to the age of 40 years for general category and 45 years for the reserved categories i.e. SC/ST/OBC and PWD (Persons with Disabilities) as on the last date of submission of online application are eligible.

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