Call For Application: Editor: NLSIU

The National Law School of India University (NLSIU) is committed to building on its legacy to become a leading Asian and Global law school in the next decade. The National Law School of India University (NLSIU) invites online applications from dynamic and accomplished professionals for the full-time post based in Bangalore of Editor.

Post: Editor (01 vacancy)
Tenure: Permanent basis till the age of superannuation i.e. 60 years, subject to confirmation after the satisfactory completion of one year’s probation.

Essential Experience and Skills

i) Eight or more years of experience in Journalism or Communication or Publishing houses or associated areas.
ii) Outstanding writing, editing and communication skills.
iii) Strong knowledge of communication practices and techniques.
iv) Proficient in academic language and argumentative writing.
v) Strong presentation and time management skills.
vi) Ability to multitask and work well under pressure.
vii) Ability to directly source pieces and interact with the staff and external authors.
viii) A passion for the written word and the ability to plan, organize, and see printed material through its several stages of production.
ix) An ability to balance content and context of a written piece.
x) Proven experience creating targeted content is advantageous.
xi) Willingness to take full ownership of assigned projects and work independently.
xii) Ability to work effectively and constructively as part of a team.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Editor will be responsible for undertaking the following tasks:
i) To handle all matters related to literary submissions, including but not limited to the following
ii) To develop, maintain and improve online/offline publications platforms of the University to the highest
iii) To be responsible for and oversee all journal activities:
a. To oversee the publication of journals and help produce compelling writing with depth and clarity.
b. To review and edit submissions, communicate with authors and coordinate with the Editorial Board.
c. To oversee all copy editing operations for the journal, which may include but is not limited to proof reading and editing all submissions, and overseeing other volunteer copy editors.
d. To shape the direction of the University‟s journals.
e. To work with journal teams to streamline and review editorial processes.
f. To oversee the redevelopment/updating of the journal websites periodically.

iv) To oversee and manage a rigorous article review process.
v) To edit, proofread, and produce “camera-ready” copy for documents including newsletters, annual reports, booklets, flyers, course descriptions, books, manuscripts, articles, manuals, and other materials for distribution or publication.
vi) To oversee production schedules and ensure adherence to deadlines.
vii) To Serve as a liaison between the University and printers, and/or publishers.
viii) To make final decisions on the acceptance and rejection of articles.
ix) To work with the Editorial and Advisory Boards to continuously improve the University research writing output.
x) To coordinate with various stakeholders of the University and conduct writing workshops for various
stakeholders of the University.
xi) To coordinate with various stakeholders within and beyond the University on publication projects,
including the Alumni Newsletter, Quirkier etc.
xii) To coordinate with research communities within the University on the holding of writing workshops, which
may be extended to Academic Fellows, Research students (in the LL.M, MPP and PhD cohorts, as well as undergraduate students who are writing dissertations).
xiii) To shape „The NLS Blog‟ as a space for intellectual discussion, including updating the Blog in a timely
manner with relevant pieces from the members of the University.
xiv) To build and promote an editorial and publication infrastructure that responds to the needs of researchers,
faculty and students at the University.
xv) To oversee the University‟s open-access infrastructure for all its publications.
xvi) To work with other teams to help publicise the University‟s output (publications, journal articles, and
journal websites).

For more details, view the official notification here.
To apply, click here.

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