Rationale for the Conference
‘Religious studies’ is a knowledge-perspective which is still in the early stage of its development in India and even Asia. The very genre of ‘religious studies’, embodying a reflective and critical approach to religion, in line with the disciplinary pursuits of knowledge, has not yet sufficiently informed the Indian / Asian mind. A concept like ‘religion’ presents enormous complexity while being related to Indian reality.
The Conference welcomes paper proposals of topics that include but not limited to the following :
- Academic Study of Religions and Inter-religious Understanding
- Academic Study of Religions in Higher Educational Institutes: Prospects and
Challenges - Academic Study of Religions and Religious Tolerance
- Academic Study of Religions and Indian Secularism
- Academic Study of Religions and Indian Constitutional Provisions
- Religions and Philosophies: Convergences and Divergences in the Indian / Asian
Context - Indian or Asian Understanding of ‘Religion’
- Indian or Asian philosophies of Religion
- Academic Study of Religions in Classrooms
- Religions, Philosophies and Public Sphere
- Religions, Philosophies and Public Life
- Possibility of a Curriculum for Religious Studies
- Comparing Curricula with Religious Studies in Other Countries
- Democracy and Religion
- Religion, Formal and Informal Education
- Religions and Civil Society
- Public Religion and Study of Religions in Public Educational Institutions
- Public Religion and Civil Religion in Indian / Asian Contexts
- Public Religious Education and Ethical Conversational Spheres
- Etc.
A brief paper proposal not exceeding 300 words needs to reach interreligious2022@gmail.com or before 17th October 2022.
Results on the selection of paper proposals will be made known by 25th October 2022.
Selected paper presenters need to send in their final paper by 30th November 2022.
Papers with clarity of thought, cogency of ideas and critical reflections will be considered for publication in an edited volume post-conference.
Registration for the Conference
The participants of the conference are required to register through the link on or before the 5th Dec.2022
Registration fee details :
Faculty from IIT & Central Universities- Rr. 2000/-
Faculty from State & Private Universities and Scholars from IIT Students – Rr. 1000/-
(Masters, M Phil and Ph D)- Rs 500/-
Registration Fee through D D drawn in favour of ‘The Registrar, University of Madras’ may be sent to The Dept. Of Christian Studies, Main Building, II Floor, University of Madras, Chepauk, Chennai 600 005 or submitted in advance at the venue.
Mobile No.8072311592
Phone: 044 – 25399619
e-mail: interreligious2022@gmail.com or xtianstudies@gmail.com