Call for Chapters for Edited book  on Introduction to the Basic Legal Concepts: Submit by 30 November 2022

About the Book

 The subject of Legal Method is very useful for the law students , law scholars, academicians and  Advocates as this books deals with the very basic concepts of law that is useful for any person who is having a interest in the law. As law is the dynamic concepts which changes from time to time and every person have the different view to see the law from his angle of sight. Sometimes some concepts seems to be very easy but they are difficult to explain as most of the person do not have the depth knowledge of these concepts which are very important  in the field of law.

Keeping in mind, the needs of society, judiciary, legal academia, the author aims to bring out an edited volume to serve the needs of all stakeholders of legal academia and citizens of India.

About Editor/Author

Dr. Ritu Singh is specialist in Woman studies.She is  presently working as Assistant Professor in Maharishi University of Information Technology , Noida, Uttar Pradesh.She has completed her Ph.d in 2021 from Jamia Millia Islamia in 2021.

She is the  author of the Book “Women Empowerment In Bangladesh-Policies and Achievements”.

Mr. Arun Kumar is Specialist in Criminal law and research scholar.He is  presently working as Assistant Professor in Maharishi University of Information Technology , Noida, Uttar Pradesh.

Both the Authors has been published more than 15 research papers and articles related to various issues.Some are :

Rash and Negligence: The Need to Redefine “Death by Negligence “(August  2022)

Eve Teasing: The Hard to Combat Social Evil”(2022), Crime Against Women in India; Laws and Protection” (2022),

“Accommodation of Muslims in Indian Sub-Continents: An Analytical Study”, (July 2022),

“Rule of Law: The Basic Foundation Stone”, “Urbanization and its Impact on Environment in Bangladesh: A study of Dhaka”, (Sep 2020)

Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace: Present Scenario in Bangladesh”, (2018) .


Authors are invited to contribute chapters in the following areas focusing on different aspects of the relevant subject:

  1. Meaning, Function and Types of Laws
  2. Analysis on sources of law- Custom, Precedent and Legislation
  3. Common Law Foundations
  4. Rule of Law
  5. Separation of Powers
  6. Principle of Natural Justice and Rule of equity
  7. Indian Constitution: Salient Features
  8. Judicial System in India:
  9. Hierarchy of Courts
  10. Jurisdiction of the Courts
  11. Meaning , Definitions and Function of Statutes, Reports, Journals, Manuals, Bill, Act
  12. How to Analysis Case  and Preparation of Briefs
  13. Kinds of Legal Research: Doctrinal Research and Non-Doctrinal Research and Techniques of Legal Research
  14. Meaning of Citations and Bibliography and kinds of them.

Submission Guidelines

Eligibility: The submissions are welcome from Academicians, Research Scholars, Students, Professionals as well as anyone with a deep interest in the subject.

Word Limit: The Chapter may be between 3000 to 5000 words including footnotes. 

Authors’ Details: Details about the author(s), including qualifications and institutional affiliations, if any, are to be mentioned in the Cover Letter.

Co-authorship: up to 2 authors permitted.

Plagiarism: Only original and un-plagiarised work needs to be submitted. The plagiarism level must be less than 10%.

Abstract: The Chapter must be accompanied by an Abstract of not more than 300 words with 5 Keywords.

Citation: A uniform mode of citation i.e. Bluebook 19th edition must be followed throughout the work.

Font Details: Times New Roman, Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5, Justified.

Footnotes: Times New Roman, Size 10.

Submission Procedure

Contribution of research articles/chapters are invited from the Academicians, research scholars, practitioners, judges, and members of the legal academia. The authors are required to submit articles/chapters of 3000-5000 words on or before 30th November 2022 to: [email protected] . The shortlisted authors will be intimated via e-mail.

The selected research articles/chapters will be published by publisher and a free soft copy will be provided to them.

Publication Fee (After acceptance) 

INR 1000/- Single author 

INR 800/- Each co-author 

Payment is to be done on-9716952847 through google pay, Paytm and Phonepe and after payment screenshot or the transaction receipt is to be done on whats app on 9716952847 or through mail with full details of the Author along with the title of their submission.

In case of Any query contact:

Mr. Arun kumar

Mobile no. 9716952847

Email id- [email protected]

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