Call for Papers | The NLIU International Trade Law Journal: Submit by Dec 31

About the Journal

The NLIU International Trade Law Journal is a flagship journal of the National Law Institute University, Bhopal. Envisioned to foster an interdisciplinary platform for rich discourse on International Trade Law, the Journal invites path-breaking and innovative insights from students, practitioners, academicians, and jurists. The Journal follows a thorough double-blinded peer-review process and is published annually. We are grateful to have highly eminent and decorated experts in the field of trade and allied laws as our board of advisors. Our peer reviewers are practitioners and academicians with an adept understanding and expertise of International Trade Law and related fields of law.

Call for Papers

We invite submissions for our second volume from academicians, practitioners, research scholars, students, and experts from within the legal community for manuscripts that assert and defend a well-reasoned position relating to international economic laws. The themes of interest include;

1.     International trade law and policy

2.     International investment law and policy

3.     Trans-border dispute resolution

4.     International financial law

5.     Global competition law

However, these themes are not exhaustive and the author may choose any interdisciplinary approach with regards to trade and allied laws.

Authors willing to contribute to the journal are required to submit full papers by 11:59 P.M. (Indian Standard Time), December 31, 2022.

All manuscripts will undergo a rigorous process of review and only those manuscripts of the highest academic standards shall be accepted.

Paper Submissions

Submission Categories

1.     Long Articles (6000-8000 words): In this category of submissions, the journal expects a detailed analysis of the issue(s) undertaken by the author, to the extent of a detailed analysis of the surrounding legal scenario at domestic and international levels and/or cross-jurisdictional analysis, and concrete conclusions and suggestions (through a reform oriented research methodology), indicating a specific way forward.

2.     Short Articles (4000-6000 words): In this category of submissions, the journal expects analysis of contemporary legal issues from single or multiple legal perspectives, i.e. a detailed examination of legal developments and/or happenings (which may involve legislative enactments, jurisprudential developments by judicial developments) using

single or multiple legal perspectives as (a) basis. In this category, if at all an author attempts to analyse debatable issues, i.e. issues that could be addressed through two perspectives of being justified or not justified, authors are encouraged to employ multilateral perspectives for the purposes of analysis, and then provide a conclusion in furtherance of such analysis.

3.     Book Reviews (1500-2500 words)  In this category of submissions, a critical review may be undertaken of a book-related to trade law and allied fields, including the issues explored and related arguments of the author.

4.     Case Comments (1500-2500 words): In this category of submissions, the journal expects detailed analysis of judgements, and the submission revolving around a critical analysis/comment of the case being commented on. The analysis should be much more than a brief of the case details, and look at the judgement from surrounding and stakeholding laws. Much like the previous category, in the process of case comments, authors are expected to critically comment by looking into the judicial mindset behind the judgement, and then commenting on its benefits or shortcomings.

5.     Notes (1500-2000 words): In this category of submissions, the journal expects substantive analysis of specific areas of trade law, not demanding a background study, but pointed critical comments on unaddressed or contemporary developments in the field.These can include policy reviews and article commentaries.

Parameters of Evaluation

1.     Grammar and Language;

2.     Logical Coherency;

3.     Legal Analysis and Contribution to existing literature;

4.     Contemporary Relevance;

5.     Research and Referencing.

Submission Guidelines

  •   Name of the author(s), institutional affiliation/qualification, the title of the manuscript, category of the manuscript and their contact information shall be included in the covering e-mail. Please refrain from including any information that could identify the author(s) in the manuscript;
  • Each work should be accompanied with an abstract of not more than 350 words;  
  • The work submitted shall be original and unpublished;
  • A maximum co-authorship of two authors is allowed;
  • The copyright of the entry to the Journal will rest with the Editorial Board once the entry has been selected and the authors (s) of the same have been notified;
  • The final decision as to the acceptance of manuscripts rests with the Editorial Board.

Last Date to Submit

December 31, 2022.

Submission Procedure

Full papers have to be emailed to [email protected] by 11:59 P.M., December 31, 2022, with subject “Submission for Volume II”

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