Call for Papers: Vol IV GNLU Centre for Law and Society Review

The GNLU Law and Society Review (GLSR) is hereby calling for papers for volume IV. GLSR is the official publication of the Centre for Law and Society, at Gujarat National Law University, India. The review employs and encourages an interdisciplinary approach to research in law and focuses on issues of socio-legal significance.


  • Gender, Law and Sexuality
  • Access to Justice

The submissions could fall under any of the following categories:

1. Articles (6000 words or above, excluding footnotes);
2. Essays (3500-6000 words excluding footnotes);
3. Book Reviews/Case Commentary/Short Notes (1500-3500 words excluding footnotes).

Important Dates:

  • 25th June 2023: Abstract Submission Deadline
  • 15th July 2023: Paper submission deadline
  • 30th July 2023: Communication of acceptance
  • 10th August 2023: Publication of Volume IV

How to submit it?

All the submissions must be made to [email protected] with the subject, “Submission – Volume IV” on or before July 15, 2023 (11:59 PM). Authors can expect to receive decisions on their submissions within two months of their submissions.

Please note that the procedures for reviewing manuscripts are based on the anonymity of the author and the confidentiality of the editors’ and reviewers’ reports; author anonymity is preserved, as well, during the editorial decision-making process.

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