Call for Rapporteurs: Oxford Reports on International Human Rights Law (ACHR)

They welcome applications from those who would be interested in writing annotated headnotes on cases decided on the merits and admissibility decisions of the African Court on Human and People’s Rights and the African Commission, providing also a short legal commentary (analysis) on these documents.

Reporters will be paid £35 (or £70 worth of OUP books) for each headnote approved for publication. The headnote will follow a template and should not, in principle, exceed 1000 words. Exceptions may be made with the consent of the Advisory Board. Publication in the database will be at the discretion of the Advisory Board and the Managing Editors. Each annotated document will be published under the name of its author. In addition, reporters are provided with free access to the Oxford Reports on International Law Database.

Reporters are also entitled to £100 (one hundred pounds sterling) in Oxford University Press books (or eBooks if available) for every fifth completed headnote.

Applicants should possess:
•    A masters’ degree in international law (a PhD is an advantage)
•    Strong writing, analytical and legal research skills 
•    A high standard of English 
•    Demonstrated knowledge of international human rights law, especially ACHR jurisprudence
•    A minimum of two years commitment to the programme
•    Working knowledge of French would be an advantage.

Applications should include:
•    a CV;
•    a short statement highlighting the applicant’s experience and/or knowledge of international human rights law/ACHR jurisprudence.

Applications should be addressed to Dr Stella Margariti and sent to [email protected].

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