Call for Applications! Knowledge to Action Online Academy 2024!

South Asia’s economic dynamism has triggered fast, deep social and ecological transformations alongside uneven development across the region. This has often occurred at the cost of environmental degradation, significantly affecting those at the margins of society. The UN Agenda 2030 – SDGs represent a globally negotiated agenda to address these challenges surrounding / including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. The Knowledge 2Action Online Academy focuses on sustainable development, and means of contributing to its advancement across South Asia, especially in the post pandemic context.

Join us for a 3-week online program that aims to contribute to a better understanding of the Sustainable Development  Goals (SDGs), by applying design thinking and translating knowledge into action, through curated sessions. Understanding what sustainable development means and how to contribute to its advancement in the landscape across South Asia, especially in the post-pandemic context, is crucial.

The program is offered by the Clusters of Cooperation in the Global South (CLOC) and is sponsored by Swiss Universities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC).


We encourage Bachelor and Master students, early career researchers to apply. This course is open to individuals from all subject areas. Participants from Switzerland and South Asian countries like Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Maldives, and Myanmar are eligible to apply.

The program has no tuition fees and is scholarship based for selected participants.

Applications must include the complete application form,  a curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation and a letter of recommendation from the direct supervisor/professor to whom the applicant reports at university/work. Apply before November 8, 2023.

For more details, click here

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