Call for Papers! Journal of Liberty and International Affairs! Vol. 10, No. 1, 2024!

About the Journal

Journal of Liberty and International Affairs is a triannual (3 regular issues per year), international, open-access, and peer-reviewed journal published by the Institute for Research and European Studies. The journal also encourages the publication of occasional Special Issues. The journal aims to provide an active international forum for analysis, research, and debate in a broad range of fields. It welcomes submissions primarily from the fields of political sciences, international relations, and law. Additionally, contributions from economics and related fields are also encouraged. The primary intention is to offer academic and public debate taking into account the following topics: Individual liberty; Libertarianism; Liberalism; Objectivism; Capitalism; Anarchism; Democracy; Political Anthropology; International relations and diplomacy; Public and private international law; Geopolitics; Nationalism; Multilateralism; Ideology; Politics and religion; Neo-Ottomanism; Yugosphere; Propaganda; Regional cooperation; European federalism; EU law and politics; European economic governance; EU foreign and security policy; Competitive federalism; Comparative constitutional law; Human rights and liberties; Gender studies; Emerging powers (BRICS; Russia; China; India etc.); Transatlantic relations and other related topics, that contribute to the understanding of liberty and international affairs from different angles. It is important to emphasize, that this journal devotes special attention to Europe / EU as a crucial factor in contemporary international affairs. Also, the journal editorial team encourages submissions that treat Balkan issues, especially the attitude of the Balkan countries towards European integration, and their place within the new international context.

Journal of Liberty and International Affairs now receives papers for its next 2024 issue (Vol. 10, No. 1, 2024). The journal aims to provide an active international forum for analysis, research, and debate in a broad range of fields. It welcomes submissions primarily from the fields of political sciences, international relations, and law. Additionally, contributions from economics and related fields are also encouraged. Papers that develop theoretical arguments or offer strong empirical evidence as either comparative or single-case studies are welcome. The journal is indexed in Scopus, EBSCO, DOAJ, CEEOL, SSOAR, ERIHPLUS, HeinOnline, ANVUR, UGC-CARE List Group II, Columbia International Affairs Online, ProQuest, etc.

Along with articles within the regular scope of the journal, this issue will include a thematic section on liberty and equality in international relations.

The deadline for paper submissions is 25 January 2024 

Papers should be sent to: [email protected]

For more details, click here

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