Internship Opportunity at VC Law Chambers, Raipur! Apply Now!

About VC Law Chambers
Established by Mr. Vivek Chopda, an acclaimed lawyer, VC Law Chambers is a first-generation law firm that has achieved an enviable reputation in quite a short period. Being entirely driven by determination and hard work, these were the two ingredients that predominantly contributed to the firm’s prominent, one-of-a-kind legal work in the law capital (Bilaspur) and the state capital (Raipur) of Chhattisgarh.

About the Opportunity
VC Law Chambers will provide interns with unique learning opportunities in various areas of law.

No. of Posts

3rd, 4th and 5th year Law students

VC Law Chambers, 409-410, Lal Ganga Business Park, Pachpedi Naka, Raipur, Chhattisgarh

Duration of internship
Minimum: 1 month

Mode of Internship
Offline Internship

How to Apply?
Interested candidates may send their applications with relevant documents to [email protected].
The subject line of the email must specify the dates between which the applicant wants the internship.

Phone: 0771-3556035

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