Call for Papers! Contemporary Challenges Journal (CCJ), Volume 5! Submit Now!

Call for Papers! Contemporary Challenges Journal (CCJ), Volume 5! Submit Now!

The Editorial Board of CCJ is delighted to announce the call for papers for the upcoming Volume 5 of the Contemporary Challenges Journal (CCJ) affiliated with The University of Edinburgh. We invite researchers, academics, and experts to contribute to this prestigious publication, offering a platform to address critical issues in the realms of global crime, justice, and security.

The journal encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, including but not limited to Security and Conflict (e.g., atrocities, terrorism, war, and organized crime), Criminological Theory and Justice (theoretical essays, alternative justice models, post-conflict societies, international criminal tribunals), Discrimination and Human Rights (issues of gender, race, sexuality, ethnicity, human and environmental rights), Policing and Prisons (police and prison reform/abolition, mass incarceration, crime control, technological advances).

The deadline for the submission is 5th of February, 2024.

Submit your manuscripts following the guidelines on our website or the QR code available: Here

More information about the journal and previous volumes can be found at the CCJ website: Here

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