Call for applications! SMEIE – Summer Module in Economics and Institutions in Europe (2022-2024)!

Call for applications! SMEIE – Summer Module in Economics and Institutions in Europe (2022-2024)!

SMEIE, Summer Modules in Economics and Institutions, is a three-year initiative of the research group “Economics and Institutions in Europe”, Department of Economics and Management (DEM) of the University of Trento (Italy). The initiative is funded by the European Commission (European Education and Culture Executive Agency) Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Action, jointly with the Trento Jean Monnet Centre and DEM.

Admission requirements

Applicants should be regularly enrolled in a Master programme,

in a PhD programme or

be young post-doc researchers.

Applicants will be required to upload their updated CV, and

a research synopsis (up to 500 words) presenting and motivating their current research, and

clarifying how such research is linked with the theme of the Summer Module.

Each participant will also have the opportunity to present and discuss his/her research agenda with the other participants and the faculty. The scientific committee of SMEIE will select up to 15 applicants.

All admitted participants will receive an official participation certificate at the end of the Summer Module.


Applicants whose application is accepted will be asked to confirm admission by paying a participation fee of €100.00. This is meant to insure against costs of late withdrawals, and will contribute to the extra-teaching activities of the Summer Module. All-inclusive accommodation

The selected students will be hosted free of charge in the venue of the Summer Module, Villa s. Ignazio (Trento, Italy), inclusive of accommodation in a double room, and three meals per day.

Travel The selected participants will have to organize the trip to and from Trento and pay the travel costs by their own.

Application procedure

Please click on this link* to apply for the Summer Module.

Italian residents can access with a account, SPID or CIE. Applicants without a account can create an account by following the registration procedure as explained at the above link.

Important dates

• Call deadline: April 9th

• Publication of the result of the selection process: April 23rd

• Acceptance of admission and payment of the participation fee: May 3rd

For more details, refer here


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