Call for Papers Proposal! 42nd ATRIP Congress at Luiss University! Rome from 30 June to 3 July 2024!

42nd ATRIP Congress at Luiss University! Rome from 30 June to 3 July 2024!

After a very successful Congress last year at the University of Tokyo, I am delighted that we will have the opportunity to gather again in person for the 42nd Congress at Luiss University in the beautiful city of Rome from 30 June to 3 July 2024.

This year, the Congress will explore how intellectual property laws and their enforcement need to be conceived and applied in order to foster ethical innovation and/or sustainability. In fact, increasing concerns for the environment, the respect of human values (e.g. dignity, free expression, privacy and diversity) and the quest for sustainable development have recently prompted a general reflection at national, European and International level on the effects of technology, and innovation more broadly, on present and future generations and the world we are (and will be) living in. Particular attention thus needs be devoted to the study of doctrines and principles which will ensure that non-economic values are taken into account in the innovation process, and which must therefore constitute the foundation of a fair and balanced IP framework.


Intellectual Property, Ethical Innovation and Sustainability

Towards a New Social Contract for the Digital Economy?

On behalf of the Executive Committee, I invite you to submit a paper proposal on a topic related to the above call, including an abstract not exceeding 350 words, the author’s name, title, and affiliation. Please indicate below your abstract if you intend to submit your paper for publication in the edited volume that will be published after the Congress. Care will be taken in the selection process to achieve global diversity.

Proposals received from ATRIP Members with no outstanding membership fee payment will be given priority. PhD students are invited to apply for the specific ATRIP PhD call for presentations. The Congress will be held in a strictly in-person format.

Proposals should be sent no later than 30 March 2024 to ATRIP’s President, Professor Christophe Geiger, at: [email protected]. Notification of the outcome of the selection process will be sent End April/early May 2024.

For more details, refer here


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