1st Doctoral Colloquium on ‘Embedding Research in Legal Contexts and Beyond’ by WBNUJS – GNLU – MNLU In Association with The Consortium of NLU’s! Apply Now!

About 1st Doctoral Colloquium

The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata (WBNUJS), Gujrat National Law University, Gandhinagar (GNLU), Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai (MNLU), in association with the Consortium of National Law Universities, takes great pleasure in announcing the inaugural edition of Doctoral Colloquium: Embedding Research in Legal Contexts and Beyond.

A first of its kind, this initiative is a seminal forum dedicated to elucidating and analyzing diverse research techniques and practices in training the research scholars of various National Law Universities, which are members of the Consortium of National Law Universities (CNLUs) towards producing quality research works contributing valuable legal literature in India. This Doctoral Colloquium shall be organized in three editions by the three institutions WBNUJS, GNLU and MNLU, respectively. The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS) is organizing the first edition Doctoral Colloquium from 20th June 2024 to 26th June 2024 at WBNUJS Campus, Kolkata.

This first edition of the NLU’s Doctoral Research Workshop & Colloquium, hosted by WBNUJS, shall have lectures, training and workshops on Research Methodology and legal Analysis”, “Research Publications,” and “Fellowship and Scholarships” by International and National experts. Furthermore, the presentation session for the Doctoral Scholars shall be dedicated to the below-mentioned broad specializations:

  • Corporate and Financial Regulations
  • Criminal Law and Criminology
  • Intellectual Property Rights,
  • Law and Technology (Including Usage of AI)

With a steadfast commitment to fostering erudite exchange and scholarly rigour, this Colloquium extends an invitation to registered PhD candidates from various National Law Universities. We cordially invite the scholarly fraternity to partake in this collaborative effort of intellectual inquiry as we embark on a collective expedition to unravel the intricacies of law and its operation in the present social, economic, technological and global context. Scholars participating in this Colloquium are expected to reflect on their research background, identify lacunas and further discuss the social, legal, economic, organizational, and ethical assumptions based on which the research questions are framed, methodologies tailored and literature reviewed.

Course Outcome

The quintessence of the forthcoming seven-day Colloquium is its aspiration to convene PhD scholars engaged in scholarly pursuits encompassing the expansive domain of law and its contiguous spheres.  Central to its mission, the Colloquium will provide a platform wherein participants can engage in the significant exchange of ideas and forge meaningful professional connections with peers and established experts. Moreover, cognizant of the burgeoning trend towards multidisciplinary inquiry, the Colloquium extends an earnest invitation to legal research scholars whose research endeavours are predominantly focused from a multidisciplinary vantage point, thereby fostering a diverse intellectual discourse.

To provide participants with a rich learning experience, the workshop will host lectures and training sessions by International and National professors on “Research Methodology and Legal Analysis”, “Research Publications”, and “Fellowship and Scholarships”. Along with the workshop and lectures, individual presentation sessions will occur during the program, where scholars can present their research proposals and progress and engage in enriching feedback and discussion with a panel of experts and peers.

Call for Abstracts and Application

There is a limited number of seats for the Doctoral Colloquium. Therefore, the selection shall be highly competitive and wholly based on merit. Preference shall be given to those in the early stage of research and those whose proposals align with the above-mentioned area of specialization.

The Applicants must upload –

  • Current CV,
  • Research Proposal (within 3,000 words)
  • Letter of Recommendation/ Nomination from the respective Vice Chancellor, where the PhD scholar is enrolled.

Registration Fees

  • Without Accommodation – Rs. 3,000 + 18 % GST (Include Materials, Meals and Refreshment)
  • Accommodation – Rs. 13,000 + 18 % GST (Include Materials, Meals and Refreshment, Accommodation)

*Registration fees are to be paid after the applicant receives a selection email from the organisers. Any fees paid are Non-Refundable.

Travel And Accommodation

There are few hostel accommodations available, which are on a twin-sharing basis, in the WBNUJS Hostel. It shall be available only for outstation candidates, which may be availed on paying the accommodation fees. It is on a first-come, first-serve basis. While filling out the Google Form, the choice of availing accommodation/non-accommodation has to be strictly specified. Any alteration/ moderation of such choice shall not be accommodated. All participants will be expected to bear their transport costs.


West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences


20th – 26th June 2024.



*No request for online/hybrid mode will be accommodated.

Application Deadline

30th May, 2024

Date for Intimation of Selection

31st May, 2024

Last Date of Registration

10th June 2024 (A separate link shall be emailed to the selected applicants for the registration procedure.)

How to Apply?

Click here to apply.

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]

Contact: Nirbindu Banerjee/ Sneha Majhi (University Research Fellow) +91 7001393010/ +91 93193 74482



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