Internship Opportunity at Eco Roots Foundation! Apply Now!

About Eco Roots Foundation

Eco Roots Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to environmental and ecosystem conservation, with a primary focus on engaging the younger generation in meaningful action towards sustainability. Founded by Mr. Rakesh Khatri, renowned as the “Nest Man of India” our organization is driven by a passion for environmental stewardship and education. The vision of Eco Roots Foundation is to create a society where every individual enjoys access to fundamental necessities while embracing sustainable living practices, particularly among the youth. We aim to intertwine the roots of sustainability and human progress, fostering biodiversity, regenerating ecosystems, and honouring the wisdom of nature.

About the Internship

The internship opportunity at Eco Roots Foundation offers a dynamic platform for students passionate about environmental conservation to immerse themselves in impactful projects and initiatives. It provides a unique chance to gain hands-on experience and contribute meaningfully to our mission of fostering environmental education among the younger generation. We encourage students who are genuinely interested in making a difference to apply, as this internship offers a valuable opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute to our collective efforts towards a more sustainable future.


The purpose of the internship is to provide students and young professionals with hands-on experience in environmental advocacy and conservation efforts. Through practical involvement in research, outreach, and program development, interns will contribute to the organization’s mission of inspiring positive change.

  • Interns gain hands-on experience and develop skills in environmental and sustainability practices, complementing academic studies.
  • Interns explore diverse career paths within the environmental sector, clarifying their professional goals and interests.
  • Interns apply academic learning to real-world situations, reinforcing understanding and gaining practical expertise.
  • Internships enhance communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills, along with exposure to workplace dynamics.
  • Interns contribute to impactful projects focused on environmental conservation, fostering a sense of purpose and responsibility.
  • Internships provide industry-specific experience, improving employability and readiness for future roles in sustainability and environmental fields.


Social-Media and Designing

  • The selected interns will be responsible for managing all social media platforms and contributing to website design.
  • Proficiency in WordPress and design platforms such as Canva is essential for this role.
  • Interns will create engaging content, graphics, and campaigns to amplify the organization’s message of environmental advocacy.

Requirements: Candidates must possess a range of skills including content creation, community management, analytics, strategic planning, customer service, adaptability, creativity, and time management. Proficiency in graphic design tools such as Adobe Photoshop, or Canva is crucial for creating visually appealing graphics, images, and layouts. Additionally, understanding typography, colour theory, and branding principles is important for crafting effective designs that align with the organization’s message. Strong attention to detail and the ability to adapt to changes in social media algorithms and trends are also necessary for success in this role.

Research and Programmes

  • Interns in this category will curate content on new and trending environmental topics, provide insights to the social media team, and assist in organizing impactful programs.
  • Their responsibilities include researching, planning, and executing initiatives that drive awareness and action towards environmental conservation.

Requirements: Applicants should possess strong analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, clear communication skills, time management, attention to detail, and teamwork. Proficiency in relevant research methodologies is essential for conducting thorough research and producing high-quality reports or publications. Additionally, adaptability and ethical awareness are important for navigating the dynamic landscape of environmental issues and ensuring the integrity of research findings.

Community Outreach

  • Play a crucial role in executing on-field programs and projects, including workshops and community engagement activities.
  • This position requires a passion for making a tangible impact in local communities and connecting with people on the ground.
  • The interns applying in this category should be from Delhi-NCR.

Requirements: Candidate should possess in-depth knowledge of environmental issues, strong stakeholder engagement and communication skills, community relations expertise, event planning proficiency, and digital engagement capabilities. Experience in grassroots organizing, advocacy campaigns, and project management is beneficial for mobilizing support and driving meaningful change at the community level. Additionally, candidates should demonstrate a genuine passion for making a positive impact in local communities and be willing to engage with diverse stakeholders to promote environmental sustainability.

Editorial Board

  • The Editorial Board interns will contribute to the organization’s blog and newsletter, shaping the narrative around environmental issues and initiatives.
  • They will craft compelling stories, articles, and content that resonate with the audience and inspire action towards sustainability.

Requirements: Applicants must have a genuine passion for environmental issues, excellent writing and research skills, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration skills, and attention to detail. Strong editing and proofreading abilities are necessary for ensuring the accuracy and coherence of content, while SEO knowledge can help optimize content for online visibility. Additionally, candidates should be adaptable and open-minded, willing to explore new ideas and trends in environmental sustainability. Depending on the role, familiarity with project management tools and practices may also be beneficial for coordinating content calendars and managing workflows effectively.

*Two interns will be selected for each category


While all positions, except for Community Outreach Interns, will be conducted online, Community Outreach Interns will engage in physical internships, primarily during workshops and on-field programs.




  • Bonafide students from any recognized University/Institution within India or abroad, meeting the following conditions:
  • Undergraduate students must have completed or appeared in term-end exams for their second year up to the fourth semester of the bachelor’s degree program.
  • Graduate students should have completed or appeared in term-end exams for their first year up to the second semester of their postgraduate program, or be pursuing research/PhD.
  • Students who have recently completed their final exams or graduation/post-graduation and are awaiting admission to higher studies may also be considered.

How to Apply?

Click here to apply.


At least six months, Interns not completing the requisite period will not be issued any certificate.


25 May 2024.


For any issues relating to submissions online, contact Eco Roots Foundation at [email protected].

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