Call for Chapter Contributions: Edited Volume on Business and Human Rights Litigation! Submit by 3 June 2024!

Call for Chapter Contributions: Edited Volume on Business and Human Rights Litigation! Submit by 3 June 2024!

Title: Litigating Business and Human Rights Violations: Themes, Perspectives, and Prospects

Editors: Hassan Ahmad, Ekaterina Aristova, Rachel Chambers

Publisher: Cambridge University Press, Research Handbook series


We are pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of an edited volume titled ‘Litigating Business and Human Rights Violations: Themes, Perspectives, and Prospects’ to be published by Cambridge University Press in the Research Handbook series. This pioneering volume examines the multifaceted landscape of social justice litigation against corporations, exploring both doctrinal and broader socio-political dimensions.

Call for Chapters:

While we have already secured several chapters for the volume, we are still looking for contributions on the following topics:

 Case study: Dam collapses and environmental damage

 Voices of indigenous peoples in business and human rights litigation

 Role of civil society organizations and activism in business and human rights litigation

 Third-party funder’s or international investor’s perspective

 International organisation’s perspective

We invite interested contributors, including non-academic experts with experience in writing research papers, to submit expressions of interest to contribute a chapter to this volume before 3 June 2024. We also welcome collaborative contributions between scholars and non-academic experts, aiming to give direct voice to different stakeholders in the field. Submissions should include a short abstract of the proposed chapter, a sample of writing, and a one-page CV.

The deadline for submitting first drafts of chapters is 1 December 2024.

For more details, refer here


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