Call for Papers! 7th Max Planck European Postdoctoral Conference on Tax Law! 14–15 October 2024 in Munich!

Call for Papers! 7th Max Planck European Postdoctoral Conference on Tax Law! 14–15 October 2024 in Munich!

The Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Department of Business and Tax Law, invites young scholars to attend the 7th Max Planck European Postdoctoral Conference on Tax Law, which will be held on 14–15 October 2024 in Munich.

The conference provides postdoctoral researchers in the field of tax law with a platform for presenting and discussing their research projects with peers from all over Europe and for fostering the pan-European academic exchange of ideas.

The Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance solicits proposals for presentations of about 30 minutes from scholars who either hold a doctoral degree or will complete their doctoral studies in the course of 2024, and who are not (yet) full professors. Both work in progress and finalised research may be presented. The presentations should be given in English.

To apply

To apply, please send an abstract of no more than 500 words by 1st June 2024 ([email protected]). Scholars whose proposals are selected for presentation will be notified no later than 15 June 2024. A detailed invitation including the conference program will follow soon thereafter.

For more details, refer here



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