Call for Papers! for Sixth International Conference on Human Rights and Peace & Conflict in Southeast Asia!

Call for Papers! for Sixth International Conference on Human Rights and Peace & Conflict in Southeast Asia!

Peace and Human Rights in the Context of Contemporary Global Crises.

SEAHRN’s flagship program, The International Conference on Human Rights and Peace & Conflict in ASEAN/Southeast Asia has been bringing together academics, researchers, graduate students, CSOs, governments and inter-governmental representatives who work on a greater understanding of and action for peace and human rights in Southeast Asia and beyond. Since 2009, it has been as a meaningful platform for knowledge generation, problematization, and dissemination among wide-range academics, students and related stakeholders.

After a six-year hiatus, the 6th International Conference will be held on 13-14 August 2024, in Penang, Malaysia. In partnership with the Research and Education for Peace at Universiti Sains Malaysia (REPUSM), the theme for this year is “Peace and Human Rights in the Context of Contemporary Global Crises”. It is supported by the Strengthening Human Rights and Peace Research & Education in ASEAN/Southeast Asia Program (SHAPE-SEA), Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University, and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

Everyone is invited to develop and submit individual paper and/or parallel panel proposals for review consideration by our Academic Committee. Presentations should reflect the following Conference Themes:

  • Women, Peace and Security Agenda
  • Climate Change
  • Business, Human Rights and Peace
  • Academic Freedom
  • Conflict Transformation and Peace Process
  • Global Governance and Democracy
  • Global Health and Human Rights
  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Marginalized Groups
  • Human Rights and the Rule of Law

You have until 15 April 2024 (extended to 17 May 2024, 12 p.m. Bangkok/Jakarta Time) to submit as many proposals as you want!

To submit and for more details, refer here

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