Call for Papers! Springer Studies in Law and Geoeconomics! HELSINKI INITIATIVE!

Call for Papers! Springer Studies in Law and Geoeconomics! HELSINKI INITIATIVE!

The series Springer Studies in Law & Geoeconomics is dedicated to analysing the role of law in shaping geoeconomic power and the impact of geoeconomic power on the formation, enforcement, and variation of laws and norms. This series integrates insights from multiple disciplines, including law, international relations, geography, sociology, anthropology, politics, epistemology, history, economics, game theory, probability theory, negotiation theory, cognitive science, and social psychology. It welcomes contributions from legal scholars, IR scholars, political economists, and interdisciplinary researchers, publishing work that follows a rigorous double-blind peer-review process.

Theme of the Volume

Law, Geoeconomics, and the Breakdown of the International Rules-Based Order: Economic Lawfare Amid Rising “Geolegal” Rivalry (working title)

Invitation for Paper Proposals and Workshop Details

The upcoming volume of Springer Studies in Law & Geoeconomics proposes to explore these themes. We are especially interested in contributions that examine the national security context in which states employ legal strategies in international settings, or within or across particular policy domains. We welcome theoretical diversity and methodological pluralism and are receptive to a broad range of research objectives, from concept and theory development, to thick description and theory testing, as well as work grounded in comparative legal or historical analysis.

We invite legal scholars and IR/IPE scholars alike to consider how existing law shapes lawfare and geolegal competition and/or how lawfare and geolegal competition shape the content or function of law.

To develop coherence across the papers and ensure that the volume will add up to more than the sum of its individual parts, the editors will host a workshop during the Helsinki Geoeconomics Week 2024 on 12 August. Contributing authors will present initial versions of their work and receive feedback from other authors and invited discussants. Participants are expected to attend the entire workshop, engage actively in discussions, and review other participants’ papers in advance.

Important Dates:

– Deadline for Paper Proposals: June 14th, 2024

– Decision on Paper Proposals: June 17th, 2024

– Submission of Working Papers: August 5th, 2024

– Workshop Presentation: August 12th, 2024, during Helsinki Geoeconomics Week

– Submission of Revised Papers: January 31st, 2025

For more details, refer here


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