Call for Papers! WORLD ANTHROPOLOGICAL UNION CONGRESS 2024​! Deadline: 13May 2024!

Call for Papers! WORLD ANTHROPOLOGICAL UNION CONGRESS 2024​! Deadline: 13May 2024!

Before proposing a paper, please read the conference theme, the rules below, and then browse the list of panels.  Panels conveners have specified in person/online only or a hybrid mode when proposing their panels, and this cannot be changed: you should pay attention to the mode of the session you are proposing to before you submit your proposal. For panels that indicate they will accept presentations in other languages the presenters must provide detailed slides in English when presenting.

The Congress is also running a call for individual papers in order to accommodate papers which may be of academic merit, but do not thematically fit into any of the existing panels.  Once the call has closed, the scientific committee will evaluate the individual papers. After this, they will be grouped into panels of four or five presenters and scheduled alongside other panels.

Paper proposals must contain:

  • Panel No or Individual Paper
  • Presenter(s)
  • ORCID id
  • Email
  • Affiliation
  • Title
  • Short abstract (maximum 75 words)
  • A long abstract stating the subject and objectives of the proposal, highlighting its academic or practical relevance to the anthropological sciences (maximum 300 words).
  • Three to five keywords.
  • If a hybrid panel or individual paper indicate whether you will attend in person or online.

General Rules for Submission

  • All proposals have to be submitted online through the congress website.
  • A person can convene/moderate only one of the three activities ie. a panel, a round table, or a workshop.
  • At least one proposer for a panel, a round table, or a workshop must hold a PhD at the time of submission.
  • A convenor/moderator can have up to two other roles such as a roundtable discussant, Lekgotla collaborator, paper presenter, or submit a book launch or film screening etc.
  • All proposals must be in English.
  • All proposals must be made via the online form, not by email.
  • Online registration fees will be lower than in person fees.
  • The deadline for submissions is below.
  • On submission of any proposal, the proposer (but not the co-proposers) will receive an automated email confirming receipt.
  • Deadlines will be strictly enforced.

For more details, refer here

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