Call for Submissions! for The Humanitarian Leader! Submit till 31 July 2024!

Call for Submissions! for The Humanitarian Leader! Submit till 31 July 2024!

The Humanitarian Leader, a bilingual publication in English and French, is an independent voice for the humanitarian sector. We tell stories that challenge our collective assumptions and presenconcepts that help make humanitarian aid more just, equitable and effective.  

The Humanitarian Leader authors include researchers, activists volunteers and humanitarian professionals – anyone with something to say about how aid could and should be better.

It provides a platform for non-peer-reviewed research and allows authors to test ideas and insight in an accessible academic setting. All papers are published by openjournals@Deakin.

Papers must broadly inform humanitarian leadership, and promote discussion and dialogue in the sector.

Submissions are encouraged to challenge our collective assumptions about the humanitarian system. We welcome papers that deal with concepts of leadership in the humanitarian system, as well as ideas useful to humanitarian decision-makers, or that interact with core concepts of the humanitarian system.

In 2024, authors of accepted papers will receive a small honoraria payment of 200-300 AUD, depending on the number of authors on a paper. Staff of the two partnership institutions that comprise the CHL, Deakin University and Save the Children Australia, are welcome to submit papers but are ineligible for honoraria payments.

Submit your paper now

Submissions to the Humanitarian Leader are being accepted until July 31, 2024. If you have any questions, or wish to pitch an article idea, please email [email protected].

Submission guidelines

Papers need to meet the following requirements to be considered:

  • A word count of approximately 5,000 words. Papers significantly under or over the word count may be returned to the author. Word count does not include abstract, author information, leadership relevance response, or bibliography
  • Papers can be written in first or third person
  • Spelling and punctuation should be as polished as possible in submission. Accepted papers will receive professional copyediting
  • Referencing must be in APA7 format
  • A 150-word abstract must be included, as well as a 50-100 word leadership relevance response answering the question: How does this paper inform humanitarian leadership practice? (Both the abstract and response are excluded from the overall word count)
  • The paper should be in MS Word
  • Images should be submitted in JPEG or PNG format as separate files, and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

For more details, refer here

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