Call for Applications! for the post of Articles Editors, Notes Editors, Publications Editors, Liaisons Officers! at LSE!

Call for Applications! for the post of Articles Editors, Notes Editors, Publications Editors, Liaisons Officers! at LSE!

Application Deadline: 11:59pm on June 16th, 2024

Schedule and level of commitment expected for the Summer Editorial Board

The Summer Editorial Board is expected to run from the start of July to the beginning of Autumn Term in October. The level of commitment depends on your role and the amount of submissions we receive. There are 1-hour weekly meetings online, which will likely be held on weekends to accommodate those working during the week and/or in different time zones. Additionally, you will likely spend 2-4 hours per week on your individual tasks.

Who can apply?

A: Any first-year, penultimate-year, final-year or Masters student at LSE. This includes students graduating in the 2023/24 Academic Year. Incoming Masters students may apply but they must be able to provide evidence of offer and acceptance of their LSE offer. We do not accept applications from incoming undergraduate students

Applicants should then email this document to Elyse Barg (the Editor-inChief) at [email protected] by 11:59pm UK time on the 16th of June 2024. 

For more details refer here



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