CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS! Human life after contact with extraterrestrial civilisations! Durham Law School!

CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS! Human life after contact with extraterrestrial civilisations! Durham Law School!

We invite contributions from an academic perspective, with a strong comparative and above all decolonising emphasis. Too many of the publications in the broader field of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) come from a Eurocentric and generally Western background. Contributions from the global South and Asia are strongly encouraged.


The guideline for the academic chapters is 5,000 words minimum and 6,000 words maximum, including footnotes. Guidance on style and formatting will be provided.


The deadline for abstracts of no more than 200 words is 15 August 2024 (see below for the contact address). Longlisting of papers by the editors will take place on a rolling basis after announcement of the call, and decisions on selection will be made as soon as possible after the lapse of the deadline.

For more details, refer here



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