Call for Papers! CONFERENCE: “Southeast Asia and its (Re-)Engagement with International Law – Challenges and Perspectives”!

Call for Papers! CONFERENCE: “Southeast Asia and its (Re-)Engagement with International Law – Challenges and Perspectives”!

The Hague, 21-22 November 2024 

The Hague University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with its international partners is organising a conference on Thursday 21 November and Friday 22 November 2024 at its main campus in The Hague on the general thematic ‘Southeast Asia and its (re-) engagement with International Law – Challenges and Perspectives’.

The Conference Theme

Historically, the engagement of the region of Southeast Asia with international legal discourse has been generally characterised by under-participation and under-representation. Many reasons contributed to that state of affairs, not least the heavy colonial history of the region and its aftermath.

Eligibility and Deadline

Panels for Early Career Academics / Students & Academic Publication Workshop: Best Student Paper and Presentation Interested early career academics and students of international law of all levels are invited to submit abstracts of no more than 500 words by 15 July 2024, on the general thematic ‘Southeast Asia and its (Re-)Engagement with International Law – Challenges and Perspectives’. The convenors aim to host 2 (two) panels designated to young scholars. Participants will also be offered the possibility of attending a separate workshop on Academic Publication and Research.

For more details, refer here


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