Call for Papers | NLSIU’s Indian Journal of Law & Technology (IJLT)! Submit Now!

Call for Papers | NLSIU’s Indian Journal of Law & Technology (IJLT)! Submit Now!

The NLSIU’s Indian Journal of Law & Technology (IJLT) is now accepting submissions on a rolling basis for its 20th Volume and the IJLT Blog.

About IJLT

IJLT is a student-run, peer-reviewed law journal published annually by the National Law School of India University, Bangalore. IJLT is widely read and is available internationally on databases such as Westlaw, HeinOnline, UGC CARE, Legal Information Institute of India, SCC Online, and Manupatra. IJLT is also the first and pioneering law journal in India devoted exclusively to the interface of law and technology.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions must be submitted using IJLT’s website.
  • An abstract (not more than 250 words) must be submitted.
  • Co-authorship (up to a maximum of 3 authors) is permitted.
  • The body of the paper shall be in Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10 single line spacing.
  • Follow the OSCOLA (4th edition) style of citation.
  • All submissions must be original, unpublished and not under consideration by any other journal/forum.
  • Send in your submissions in MS/Open Word (*.doc OR *.docx) format.
  • The guidelines for blog submissions can be accessed here.
  • There is no fixed deadline for submission since we welcome contributions on a rolling basis.

Please feel free to browse our website (, our Digital Commons repository, or contact us at [email protected] (for the journal) and at [email protected] (for the blog).

For more details, refer here


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