CBT Summer Conference 2024! Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation!

CBT Summer Conference 2024! Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation!

All these issues raise questions that are academically profound and practically important, including: How are countries and businesses responding to global minimum taxes? How do alternative policies to Pillar 1 compare with one another? What does true inclusivity in international tax governance mean, can it ever be achieved, and how? Can a UN that is more active in international business taxation co-exist with the OECD, and how? What is at the root of recent transfer pricing disputes, what lessons can be learnt from them, and how can they be resolved? How does the UK’s current business tax regime compare internationally and how does it compare with previous regimes? What should an ambitious, yet realistic UK business tax roadmap include? What should it not include?

These and other questions will be discussed by a distinguished group of speakers from international organisations, business, and academia at the 2024 Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation Annual Summer Conference.

Registration will begin at 9am.  Coffee and lunch will be provided for all participants.

For more details, refer here

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