Call for Applications! for Internship Opportunity! at IJRLM! Apply by 10 July 2024!

Call for Applications! for Internship Opportunity! at IJRLM! Apply by 10 July 2024!

The Indian Journal for Research in Law and Management is inviting applications for the role of Legal Research Intern (July 2024).

• About IJRLM
The Indian Journal for Research in Law and Management [IJRLM] is a peer-reviewed journal that was established in the year 2023. We are pleased to announce ourselves as a prominent forum for law and management scholars, researchers, and practitioners. We aim to create a broad and multidisciplinary venue for intellectual exchange and cutting-edge research at IJRLM. Our journal serves as a medium for the exchange of creative concepts, intellectual insights, and practical expertise in the constantly evolving fields of law and management.

• Aim of IJRLM
We believe in the ability of research to enhance society and answer the difficulties that legal and management professionals confront. Our goal is to make research that is thorough, insightful, and relevant to current trends and concerns in the legal and management worlds more widely available.

• Nature of Internship
The internship work involves writing, compiling, and submitting research work based on topics assigned and submitting them on a given deadline. The internship requires original, unpublished work to be submitted. The internship provides a great opportunity to research several contemporary socio-legal and management problems.

Any undergraduate or postgraduate student, enrolled in any program of any university, professionals working in the field of law, management or humanities, PhD scholars, research associates, etc. are all eligible and encouraged to apply for the role of legal research intern. Interested candidates are requested to apply before July 10, 2024.

The internship is a virtual/online internship where the work will be intimated through video conferences and the work will be submitted through Google Forms.

Duration of internship
The internship will be for a duration of one month from the date of induction.

For more details, refer here


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