CALL FOR CHAPTERS FOR EDITED BOOK On Navigating the Legal Landscape of Environmental Challenges in the 21st Century by Walnut Publication (With ISBN)! Submit by 31 July 2024!

About the Book

International Environmental Law comprises agreements and principles representing the global community’s unified effort to tackle major environmental issues like climate change, ozone depletion, and the mass extinction of wildlife. Its broader goal is to achieve sustainable development, ensuring high living standards for present generations without compromising the quality of life for future generations. Thus, international environmental law is essential both for addressing specific environmental challenges and for embedding long-term environmental protection within the global economy. The book, “Navigating The Legal Landscape Of Environmental Challenges In The 21St Century” aims to identify and connect with various aspects of Environmental Laws that have evolved with the ever-changing times.

Editors are looking for high-quality contributions in the form of Book Chapters from Research Scholars, Academicians and Professionals from the legal field and inter-disciplinary streams on Environmental Law. The Chapters must address the key issues on Environmental Concerns from National and International perspectives.

About the Editors

  1. Dr. Richa Chaudhary, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Law at SGT University Haryana

Dr. Richa Chaudhary possesses the degree of BA. LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D. MBA (HR) and Post Graduate in Human Rights. She has more than 15 years of experience in academics and industry. She has published numerous papers in Scopus and UGC Care Listed Journals and has chaired various Conferences, Seminars and Workshops.

  1. Dr. Ankita Sharma, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law at SGT University Haryana

Dr. Ankita Sharma has her Doctorate in Corporate-Environmental Law & Masters in Corporate Law, and her research inclination has always been towards Environmental Laws, International Laws and Corporate Laws. She has more than 11 years of blended experience in academics, research and industry and has published various Papers and Chapters in reputed Journals and Books.


  • Social and Ethical Aspects of Environmental Issues
  • International Environmental Agreements, Treaties and Conventions
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  • Sustainable Development Goals and Environment
  • Indian Constitution and Environment
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Corporates and Environmental Concerns
  • Protecting the Environment in Armed Conflict
  • Intellectual Property and Environmental Laws
  • Environmental Pollution and Health Concerns
  • Human Rights and the Environment
  • Carbon Trading for Climate Change
  • Role of International Organizations in Protecting the Environment
  • International Trade and Environmental Concerns
  • Nuclear Power and Environmental Challenges
  • Gender and Environmental Issues
  • International Trade and Environmental Concerns
  • Energy Laws
  • Cyber Laws and Environment
  • Impact of E-Waste on the Environment
  • Dispute Resolution Mechanism for Environmental Conflicts

Please Note: The topics mentioned here are not exhaustive and contributors may contribute to other topics related to the themes mentioned above.

Eligibility: The submissions are welcome from Academicians, Research Scholars, Students, Professionals as well as anyone with an interest in the subject.

Submission Guidelines

  • Word Limit: The Chapter may be between 3000 to 7000 words including Abstract and footnotes.
  • Authors’ Details: Details about the author(s), including qualifications and institutional affiliations, if any, are to be mentioned in the Cover Letter.
  • Co-authorship: up to 3 authors permitted.
  • Plagiarism: Only original and unplagiarised work needs to be submitted. The plagiarism level must be less than 15%.
  • Abstract: The Chapter must be accompanied by an Abstract of not more than 300 words with 5 Keywords.
  • Citation: Bluebook 20th Edition
  • Font Details: Times New Roman, Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5, Justified.
  • Footnotes: Times New Roman, Size 10.

Review: The submissions received would be reviewed by the Review Committee to determine whether the subject matter is within the scope of the themes and assess the quality of the manuscript.

Publication: The Book will be published with ISBN by Walnut Publication.

Submission: All submissions are to be made via e-mail as MS Word documents at: [email protected]  No pdf format shall be entertained.

Important Date: All submissions including the Abstract must be sent on or before 31st July 2024.

Publication of the book: September 2024

Publication Charges: There is a Publication fee of Rs. 400/- at par for all the contributors such as students, researchers, academicians, law practitioners etc. In the case of Co-Author/s, each Co-Author is chargeable with the same fee as of Author (i.e. 400/- each).

Payment for publication is required to be done after the Acceptance of the submitted Chapter is communicated to the author/s by the Editors.

Note: Each Author will be provided with a Soft Copy of the Book as well as an E-Certificate. For those who require a Hard Copy of the Book, separate charges of Rs.500 (including postal charges) are to be paid by the Author/s.

Registration link:

Contact Information:

Dr. Ankita Sharma: +91 8739852596 [email protected]

Call for Book Chapters IEL 2024_KS

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